As you may already know from the news media, the Center for Biologic Diversity, with Brent Plater as their chief spokesperson, has filed a petition with the National Park Service requesting action within 60 days to ban off-leash recreation in all the GGNRA. The legitimacy of off-leash recreation in the GGNRA as described in the 1979 Pet Policy was affirmed by Magistrate La Porte last fall, and re-affirmed by Judge Alsup more recently when the GGNRA lost their appeal. Despite the government attorney's denying that an "emergency" existed at the time of the appeal, those organizations who signed on to an amicus brief authored by Brent Plater of the Center for Biologic Diversity, have signed a petition again authored by Brent Plater of the CBD. You have an opportunity to let the various officials of the National Park Service know how outraged you are with this petition, and the obvious intent of these groups to torpedo the upcoming Negotiated Rulemaking. The Ocean Beach Do...