
Showing posts from May, 2016

If You Have a Music Startup - This is the Place to Be

SF Musictech Summit Announces the 2016 Startup Competition In its 5th year, The SF MusicTech Startup Competition gives promising start-ups the opportunity to compete to showcase on stage at the SF MusicTech Summit to be held this year on October 17, again at Hotel Kabuki in SF Japantown. Deadline to submit your application is  September 1, 2016 . Please note, one member of the startup team must be  registered  to attend the Summit to apply.

The Weekend Edition

These AR glasses give firefighters Predator-style thermal vision Intel Bolsters Its Position in Self-Driving Cars,  #IoT Who Really Gets Hurt When  #Startups  Blow Up? (And What to Do about It.) Small Victories takes files in a Dropbox folder and turns them into a website Toyota Kata (part II)   #agile How ‘Experience Design’ can create a more holistic ‘User Experience’   #ux #Osmo  is awesome. Today they're launching a new  #STEM  game! Take a look:   #parenting   #tech   #gaming IMAX Teams Up With Google, Starbreeze to Bring  #VR  to Theaters Developer of anonymous Tor software dodges FBI, leaves US QuickStart Guide to Five Rule for Accelerated Learning...

The Lobster Bros Come to Seeso Streaming Service

Seeso hand picks Gentleman Lobsters for their comedy lineup Based on the Webby Award-winning hit  GQ  digital series, “ Gentlemen Lobsters ” features Garrett and Quinn, best friends and roommates, who struggle to survive the devastating reality that is being a twenty-something lobster.  Garrett and Quinn are just your average lobster guys which  pokes fun at the vain world of menswear.  They Instagram their shoes (@gentlemenlobsters), feign expertise in high art and culture, watch the World Cup, and play the occasional video game. Most importantly, they always look sharp. They’re lobster bros. The Seeso Original premieres  June 16 .  Seeso  is a comedy subscription streaming service that is owned by NBC Universal Digital Enterprises.  The series stars and is Executive Produced by Kevin Burrows and Matt Mider. Additional Executive Producers include Dawn Ostroff and Antonio Hernandez for Condé Nast Entertainment, Executive Produce...

New Printable #Solar Panels Are Ready To Hit The Market

New Printable Solar Panels Are Ready To Hit The Market! Australian solar technicians with the Victorian Organic Solar Cell Consortium have announced that they will soon put a new printable solar cell technology on the market. Image: CSIRO Printable Solar Panels May Be Coming to a Device Near You Australian solar technicians with the Victorian Organic Solar Cell Consortium have announced that they will soon be prepared to put a new printable solar cell technology on the market.

Has a Hungarian physics lab found a fifth force of nature?

Has a Hungarian physics lab found a fifth force of nature? MTA-Atomki A laboratory experiment in Hungary has spotted an anomaly in radioactive decay that could be the signature of a previously unknown fifth fundamental force of nature, physicists say - if the finding holds up.

Personable Pepper #robot gets a #job in a pizza joint

Personable Pepper robot gets a job in a pizza joint Visitors to a Pizza Hut in Asia will soon be able to place an order, ask about nutritional info and pay for their meal without even speaking to a member of staff, or at least a human one.

Corporate America Chases the Mythical Millennial

Corporate America Chases the Mythical Millennial Consider the question of the best way to manage millennials. Say you have a worker who plays hooky from your online news site to go build a treehouse, or one who takes an extended leave to go on a snowboarding trip, then never returns to work. What should you do?

Should You Be Allowed to Prevent Drones From Flying Over Your Property?

Should You Be Allowed to Prevent Drones From Flying Over Your Property? Drone use across the U.S. is soaring, and the skies may soon get even more crowded, as the Federal Aviation Administration expects sales of these unmanned aerial vehicles to jump to seven million in 2020 from about 2.5 million this year.

Wikileaks release TISA documents

Trade in Services Agreement (on 2016-05-25) Today, Wednesday, 25 May 2016, 11:30am CEST, WikiLeaks releases new secret documents from the huge Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) which is being negotiated by the US, EU and 22 other countries that account for 2/3rds of global GDP.

Magix Buys Sony Creative Software that Includes Sony Vegas

German MAGIX Software Gmbh acquiring a majority of the Sony Creative Software (SCS) products Germany based Magix has announced the acquisition of most of Sony's Creative Software (SCS)  products . By purchasing SCS products, Magix will expand its international growth.  MAGIX  Software GmbH is a leading creator of video, music, and photo-editing software and apps in Europe and is already well established in the US market.  The SCS Catalyst Browse and Catalyst Production Suite will continue to be developed by Sony for professional broadcast and production applications though.   "These products from Sony Creative Software are the perfect addition to our portfolio. We have already strengthened our presence in the United States in order to propel development and sales. This autumn, we plan to release new versions of the video-editing programs Vegas Pro and Movie Studio, which are heavily oriented toward the customer requirements of today,"   sa...

10 paid iPhone apps on sale for free for a limited time

10 paid iPhone apps on sale for free for a limited time After ending last week with a killer list of paid iPhone and iPad apps on sale for free, we knew we had to begin this week on the right foot. As such, we've put together a solid list of 10 paid iOS apps that are all free downloads for a limited time.

The Weekend Edition

The Weeks Top buzz: From Node.js to Go  #frontend Harvard-built soft exosuit helps patients with limited mobility Amazon Programmable Dash Button #iot In Sweden, an Experiment Turns Shorter Workdays Into Bigger Gains IPEC Interviews Richard Dolan - UFOs and Ufological Theory  #ufo Will augmented reality be quite this unpleasant? #ar #vr  Content debt: What it is, where to find it, and how to prevent it #ux Google will ban payday-loan ads while Alphabet's venture capital arm GV invests in online payday lender LendUp Introducing Startup FDA: Demistifying FDA submissions through Open Source Microsoft has its own 'Bing Assistant' bot in the works In another bad sign for DocuSign, four top executives are gone French Billionaire Opens Tuition-Free School in Silicon Valley #edu A site that generates regexs based off examples given  #frontend

The Follow Friday Update

Here are some posts from our #FF #tech community.

SF New Tech Shows Off VR Tech

Edith Yeung of 500 Startups brings a night of VR together at SF New Tech for the SF tech community. Our Adolfo Foronda joined 200+ people to see some innovative VR companies like LucidCam , Mattel , Occulus , Cheetah Mobile , , Cryworks and Codame pitch at the Mighty nightclub. His pick of the night was Mattel. Check out the social communities reactions!

Celebrate World Communications Day and Get Ready for 5G

NJIT Summarizes Telecommunications Current & Future Trends Did you know today was  World Telecommunications Day ? The International Telegraph Union (ITU) (yeah, they've been around awhile) dubbed this day to  help raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of the Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICT) can bring to societies and economies, as well as of ways to bridge the digital divide. The  ITU is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies – ICTs.   This celebration of innovative technology is shedding light on the massive growth cellular communication has seen in the last year alone. Looking to the future, experts are estimating that by 2020 the telecommunications network will need to support more than 1,000 times today's volume of traffic. The New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) Master's in Electrical Engineering Program created the following infographic to highlight ...

Bike To Work Week Special - Chat with the Zackees Crew

The Guys Who Brought You the "Turn Signal Gloves" Give An Update We thought it would be appropriate to open Bike To Work Week with an update from the Zackee's crew (Zach Vorhies, Murat Ozkan and Adonis Gaitatzis) who brought you the often talked about Turn Signal Gloves . A lot has happened since the Kickstarter launch of the Turn Signal Gloves in 2013 - Casting for Shark Tank, Turn Signal Gloves V3 and now America's Greatest Makers. Zach shares his experience on American Greatest Makers (as much as he is allowed to). Watch Zach as he demos the new wearable mask (kinda a modern cross between Ultraman and Jason Voorhie's(no remote relation) Halloween Hockey mask ).

Watch/Listen to The Nerd Stalker Show Now

Sponsor/Partners/Events: Mileage Tracking App | Automatic, Easy, Smart Mileage Log | MileIQ SF New Tech VR night Founders Space Pitch Day Picks of the Week: Google will pay you $20 an hour to sit in a car SF Based marketing tech firm offers free office space to women & minority entrepreneurs I Love Snapchat @imadolfo Get off my lawn! Samsung Smart Home flaws let hackers make keys to front door Speed Round : Artificially Intelligent Lawyer “Ross” Has Been Hired By Its First Official Law Firm Microsoft Changes Windows 10 'Free Upgrade' Rules This new surgical robot just outperformed human surgeons Ni kola Motor Company unveils jaw-dropping #electric big rig, 4x4 UTV Tips of the Week: Todoist 8 Things I Can’t Wait to See at Maker Faire Bay Area Next Weekend Favro I s someone stealing your Wi-Fi? How to tell, and what you can do about it

The Follow Friday Update - Seniors Take the Ride of Their Lives

Happy Follow Friday! People's reactions to new technology always is entertaining. The WIRED channel at Conde Nast Entertainment's  The Scene takes 10 seniors for a ride in Varden Labs’ self-driving shuttle around UCSD’s campus. See their priceless reactions and comments.

Lawyers, an AI Robot was just hired to take your job

Artificially Intelligent Lawyer "Ross" Has Been Hired By Its First Official Law Firm In Brief Ross, the world's first artificially intelligent attorney, has its first official law firm. Baker & Hostetler announced that they will be employing Ross for its bankruptcy practice, currently comprised of almost 50 lawyers. Law firm Baker & Hostetler has announced that they are employing IBM's AI Ross to handle their bankruptcy practice, which at the moment consists of nearly 50 lawyers.

Google's Gboard App for the iPhone

Searching and sending stuff on your phone shouldn’t be that difficult. Gboard makes it easier: Search. GIFs. Emojis & more. Right from your keyboard.

Calling All America's Greatest Makers

Producers of America's Greatest Makers Casting for Season Two America's Greatest Makers Show All (courtesy of America's Greatest Makers Show) America’s Greatest Makers is casting Season Two! America's Greatest Makers is known as the "American Idol" for Nerds and Geeks. The producers and directors want to showcase an even wider variety of innovations by using not only the  Intel®  Curie Module, but also "other" platform options from  Intel®  that can connect to a broad array of input and output devices, including cameras and displays. One of our interview alums were on the show recently - Zackees . What smart-connected device will you make to walk away with one million dollars!? Check out the requirements below and good luck makers!

Social Media Camp - It's a Big Canada Thing

Canada's Largest Social Media Conference Unboxed Photo courtesy of Social Media Camp Been to Social Media Camp? This year over 600 people attended the 7th annual event in Victoria, Canada. Labeled as the Canada's largest social media conference, we had the pleasure of joining a group of passionate Social Media-ites from this years camp on Blab and got a appreciation of what this event brings. Check out the show below featuring Sean Charles ( @ SocialMediaSean ), Sean Smith ( @ SeanSmithCR ) and a cameo guest visit from Nikki  Thibodeau ( @ Nikki2987 ). Check it out!

Don't Do This At Home - Laser Dissected Golf Balls

Four Generations of Golf Balls Dissected by Golf Digest Golf Digest decided to check out what is inside four different types of golf balls. Using a CO2 laser cutter at Fabberz in New York City, they completely dissected or destroyed the golf balls. Check it out!

The Weekend Edition

Parent Hacks: 134 truly useful tips that parents could use #parenting Iris – Screen recorder for Mac OS X "Starving cancer cells of nutrients halts tumour growth" Terrific new Netflix tool will help you beat your carrier’s data caps Teaching Swift to Non-Developers Folks, It’s 2016. Why don’t we understand IFrames – Michael Cizmar #frontend Personal Kanban in Favro #agile #personalkanban Measuring your ‘Return on Content’: How to tell whether your content is successful #ux

May the Fourth Show You: How the Lego Star Wars Destroyer was Smashed

Go Behind the Scenes with Wired to See the Destruction Want to know how the Wired team filmed the LEGO destroyer being smashed to smithereens?  Our creative video friends at  WIRED (and Conde Nast Entertainment)  just put up a video on  WIRED’s channel on  THE SCENE , to show you the camera setup for the video.   The team used a Phantom High Speed camera traveling 20 mph on a custom built track filming at a 1000 fps frame rate.  Check it out! 

SocialtimeTV: McD Serving Robots & Livestreaming 2.0

Sean Charles and Greg Viloria Blab About Robot Servers & Livestreaming 2.0 Robots seem to be starting to replace McD server jobs. Livestreaming 2.0 started with Meerkat, Periscope and now Facebook Live and YouTube Connect enter the picture. Sean Charles and Greg Viloria use this episode of SocialTimeTV on Blab to discuss the robots and the current state of livestreaming. Give it a view!

Long Running Entrepreneur Conference Coming to Silicon Valley This Week

Raju Reddy talks about the 23rd Annual TiECon TiE or the The Indus Entrepreneur is hosting their 23rd Annual Conference for entrepreneurs on May 6-7 in the Silicon Valley. TiE, which originated in the Silicon Valley, is a network of more than 12, 000 entrepreneurs organized around 60 chapters around the world. Definitely the biggest out there. We talk with Co-convener or Co-chair Raju Reddy of TiECon to discuss what to expect at TiECon and some of his thoughts on the global entrepreneur.ship. "One of the biggest advantages (of attending the conference) is the mentoring and networking opportunities" says Reddy.  Check out his interview!

New smart bathroom mirror is a total game-changer

"If you thought that the Google Now-ready smart mirror a Googler came up with not too long ago was the best possible bathroom mirror you could imagine, then your mind is about to be blown by an even cooler design. This new smart mirror can run a bunch of apps, and it can even hail Ubers for you when it determines that you’re late for work." - BGR

Prince's Complicated Relationship with Technology and a Rube Goldberg Machine That Models the Workings of Our Economy

Prince's Complicated Relationship with Technology and a Rube Goldberg Machine That Models the Workings of Our Economy Core77's editors spend time combing through the news so you don't have to. Here's a weekly roundup of our favorite stories from the World Wide Web. Prince felt a self-inflicted responsibility to protect his own creative capital for himself and the sake of all artists, and did so by dealing with his personal identity as well as music distribution in rebellious and unprecedented ways.

Out of Office with Brent Rose: How to Make #VR Porn/WIRED

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