
Showing posts from February, 2013

Scan Your Entire Book Library Affordably

This week, we were introduced to a very unique personal service. Did you ever wished that one of your books were in eBook format. Well, 1DollarScan can scan up to a 100 page book for a George Washington or a buck. We sat down with Hiroshi Nakano , CEO of zLibro, Inc . and creator of San Jose based 1DollarScan. Hiroshi talks about some of the benefits of using their service and some of the features that help optimize your reading experience.

Tizen,, Samsung and Pandora are Disruptors?

This week for the Nerd Stalker Techweek Update, Adolfo and Greg discusses Tizen, Device Addiction,, Samsung Wallet and more.

Social Time TV - Hack, Hack, Who's There?

Sean Charles  ( @SocialMediaSean ) and Greg Viloria ( @SocialGreg ) are back for another episode of SocialTimeTV.  This week, Sean and Greg talk about the hacking that went on in the social sphere recently. They talk about the winners - Burger King, and then the losers - Chrysler-Jeep, MTV, BET. Sean and Greg even talk about some of the people responsible as well as hacking ethics.

Summary of PingWest's "China Pings Silicon Valley" Event

We were honored to attend and cover PingWest' s "China Pings Silicon Valley-Redefine Chinese Tech Startup Ecosystem" event tonight at the Rocket Space . Thomas Luo and his PingWest team put together a great agenda of Keynote speech, panel discussion, and demos . All this was centered on the Chinese tech startup ecosystem. We summarized the demo pitches below.

Nerd Stalker's Highlights from SF New Tech February 2013 Event

Our nerd stalker's Adolfo and Greg's summary of the SF New Tech 's February 2013 event. For those who are new to the SF tech scene, SF New Tech is the oldest startup meetup in SF. Nerd Stalker is proud to be SF New Tech's media partner. This event featured the likes of  Pedicine App ,  WalkMe ,  Blipboard ,  LoYakk , and  Bizzabo . Adolfo shares his picks of the night.

Meshin Is Calling It Quits

We are getting tips from Meshin users today that our favorite Evernote calendaring app is calling it quits see the email sent to users, "...As you know Meshin is a business incubation project inside PARC, a division of Xerox. Your participation as a Meshin beta user has been critical to us and we appreciate all your time and effort. As a special valued Meshin user we wanted to reach out to you first to let you know about some upcoming important changes with Meshin. We will be removing the Meshin Calendar: for Evernote app from the Apple iOS App Store within the next few days. Your already downloaded iPhone and iPad Meshin Calendar apps will continue to work. Your Meshin account will remain active until the end of March, at which point we will be taking the service down. We will be offering limited customer support until the end of March. However for iOS users we do recommend transitioning any of your information from the service by the end of February, as the Meshin iOS a...

Nerd Stalker Tech Week - Google, Raspberry Pi and Forever

Download MP3 This week's Nerd Stalker Techweek Podcast Picks: Who needs Google? Rural British community builds its own fiber network Raspberry Pi to get a video camera via @pcworld How Tempo Botched their App Store launch. Watch out Patent Trolls President Obama is on to you via @ubergizmo Nokia may follow Apple and dump Samsung as a supplier Happy Valentine's, Google — see you in court via @gigaom Speed Round: The Beauty of Talking 20 Light-controlling sheet switches between mirror and transparent states Posterous will shut down April 30, Posthaven to the rescue Your Personal Smart TrashCan Outfielder can catch your trash via @diginfonews Tip of the Week: iOS Workflows Is a Collection of Ways to Automate Data Sharing in iOS Can you cre...

Is Your Nightlife Social - Interview with Artin Nazarian

Vertical social networks seem to be hitting the social network scene more often. We did a food social network recently and we now look at nightlife or "clubbing." In this interview, we talk with Artin Nazarian, co-founder of SocialNightlife about his new vertical social network. Artin discusses the parallels of Social Networks to the TV industry and offers a place where vertical social networks can exist.

Talking 20 Could Be Bigger Than The Old Facebook of Health Analogy

Download MP3 Adolfo Foronda of Nerd Stalker interviews Heather Heine, CEO of Talking 20 at the Bulletproof biohacking conference. From the Talking 20 website, "Talking20 is a biotechnology company driven to create an ecosystem of health awareness and discovery by offering low-cost biomarker testing directly to everyone. From a single drop of blood sent in the mail, your Talking20 test provides a window for you to view and interact with biological events as they happen in your body." Biohackers are going to love this service, the baselines they provide for individuals at the competitive price point is a huge win. The data they could acquire will be of huge value to the research community, I predict big things for this startup. We intend to give the service a try and will write up a later review, in the meantime watch or listen to the very interesting talk we have with Heather, you will learn alot.

Can You Write a Story in 140 Characters?

We came across a great game recently that recaptures your creativity in writing and gamifies it. Write It! Versus is a great transmedia game based on a e-book and is now available on iOS. We talk with Juan Pablo Gaviria about how he came up with the app and how you are given 3 words and 140 characters to create your story.

What, Me Worry - Malware on Macs

At Macworld/iWorld 2013, we came across an interesting company. ESET provides malware protection for Macs. Huh? What? Macs need malware protection? Well, yes, they do according to ESET. In this interview, we sat down with Stephen Cobb, Security Evangelist for ESET. Stephen discusses why ESET believes you should be protected from Mac Malware.

How Tempo Botched their App Store launch.

listen to ‘How Tempo completely Failed their launch. ’ on Audioboo Two days ago Tempo was announced to the world, there was significant interest and it appears now no one is able to register to use the app. That means two days of a useless app, the team now says they have decided to launch a new app tomorrow 2/15 that will onboard more. Read the update from the Tempo blog, "...Here is the plan: We will submit a new version of Tempo Smart Calendar with a reservation system to the App Store tomorrow (Feb 15th) for express approval Once approved (usually within 24 hours), you can install the new Tempo and secure your position and we will then email you when Tempo is available In the meanwhile, we will continue to gate-keep ~1-3K users / hour (we have a backlog well over 100K users)..."

How to Score Nerdy Things for Valentines Day with Richard Chemel

Valentines is a "Hallmark" holiday it seems but there are some great sites for the nerd heart-throb in your life. In this interview, Richard Chemel of JustDeals talks about geeky Valentine's Day gifts, the Daily Deal market and entrepreneurial advice. He even gives us an advanced peek into a JustDeals deal going live on Valentines day.

Eventide H9 - A Lesson in Product Design with an iOS Interface

UI design seems emphasized these days, especially on portable devices. How about hardware working with iOS devices? Eventide shows that their new product, H9 Harmonizer, was carefully designed taking a product that had 11 knobs and boiling it down to one and putting the rest on the iOS device. We talk with Tony Agnello, president of Eventide as he talks about some of the challenges in designing with iOS and redesigning an existing product.

HP's Live Photo Brings Life to Your Photos

In December, HP quietly released an iPhone App called Live Photo . I know what is going through your mind "Another Photo App". Before you make judgement on this app - This app is very unique. This is not a photo app and not a video app. It merges the two to bring you a personalized photo/video journey. We talked with Elaine Yuan, product manager at HP about their new app - Live Photo.

Anime, Gaming, Biohacking and Surreal Film Making?

Adolfo Foronda was a featured guest on the great Play This! podcast over at TechHive with hosts Carlos Rondela @onawa and Jason Cross @jasoncross00 have a listen, Have a listen: Or, if you prefer, download the  MP3 of this episode . " What do you get when you cross a traditional Japanese RPG with the creators of classic animated movies like   Spirited Away ,   Princess Mononoke , and   Howl's Moving Castle ? You get Ni no Kuni, which is weird, jeuvenile, and wonderful. We talk about that, Metal Gear, UFC, and much more on this week's show. We're joined by Adolfo Foronda from   Nerdstalker . Links from this week's episode: Why can't you download to  own  UFC matches? They're retnal only, typically. Ni no Kuni  is a polished, beautiful, but typical JRPG. But it has character design and animation from  Studio Ghibli . If you stick with it past the slow beginning, it gets great. Speaking of Studio Ghibli, almost...

iOS and Mac OsX Tips Galore

Download MP3 Greg Viloria and Adolfo Foronda of Nerd Stalker are back with the best finds of MacWorld iWorld 2013. In this episode we talk about: What was Ashton Kutcher doing there? Oh yeah being Steve Jobs. Will.i.Am is all about Futurehunting and why that is so awesome especially if your not a Black Eye Peas fan.

TriplePlay Brings Life to the Wireless Guitar Controller

We love stalking music nerds. At Macworld/iWorld 2013 we found plenty of them. Larry Fishman and Fishman Transducers  nerds have fulfilled a promise - to bring Guitar MIDI or Wireless Guitar Controller to the market called TriplePlay . We interview Larry on the development of the first successful MIDI guitar and discusses how he maintained a company for 32 years.

Look Mom No Hands - AirTurn Wireless Controller for Musicians

We love music at Nerd Stalker. AirTurn caught our music eye at Macworld/iWorld 2013. With AirTurn wireless pedal technology, you can control virtually any iOS music app through their wireless pedals. We sit down with Hugh Sung , co-founder and VP of Marketing of AirTurn - maker of wireless (bluetooth) pedals and controllers. In this interview Hugh discusses the different music applications that can be used with AirTurn's BT-105.

Home Automation Makes a Big Step Towards Sanity

Home Automation is some ways is a "home brew" or "maker" type of world. All of us techies were searching for the holy grail of home automation control. Enter Crestron Electronics . At Macworld/iWorld 2013, Crestron introduced to us commoners a unique control package called Crestron Control Everything which features total control from your iOS device. In this interview, Delia Hansen,  Crestron Solutions Manager , Residential   explains their home automation control concept.

Jam for iPhone - No Talent Required

Jam for iPhone is a fun app. You sing into your iPhone, select a theme and publish a song. How simple is that? A personal Karaoke machine or an Instagram for music as the founder states. We sat down with Sam Russell, developer of Jam for iPhone, to discuss his App, Australian VC/Angel investors and starting a business with his brother.

Music and iOS Spottings at Macworld/iWorld

One category that was under the radar at Macworld were the music apps and products. Macworld had a music stage called the Music Studio and still no one seem to notice. The Nerd Stalker music nerds noticed. We want to highlight some interesting creative music apps that use iOS that we found at Macworld.

Telenav's Scout hopes to Personalize Your Navigation

We met up with Hari Srinivasan of Telenav over some coffee prior to Macworld/iWorld 2013 to talk about their new product, Scout. You have probably have used a Telenav product in the past as ATT Navigator, Sprint Navigator or other white labeled OEM Navigation on your phone.  Also, Telenav has a strong presence in the automotive space and is available on Ford cars through Sync AppLink . In this interview,  Hari talks about personal navigation and cars.

Liquid Armor Screen Protection Rules

At MacWorld I stumbled upon the Dynaflow Liquid-Armor booth, being an Invisible Shield fan I was intrigued. I watched them demo scratch screens of smartphones and tablets. I was stoked (yes i actually say stoked in conversation) to find a working solution that you don't have to perfectly stick to your phone, no more air bubbles! I've since gone home and tried the single use wet wipe product, we give this product two thumbs up for ease of use and it really does protect the screen. Get more information at the Dynaflow website or just do yourself a favor and pick some up here .

iOS Makes It Into Your Doctor's Office

On Day One of Macworld/iWorld, I looked for interesting applications in the health area and found Mark Hollis of MacPractice. Nerd Stalker also found a posture app called MacPractice is a Lincoln, Nebraska - Silicon Prairie company committed to providing personal client service.  MacPractice provides an integrated tool for a primary care health professional to manage your records and information. We talk with Mark about managing health records over a patient's lifetime. Managing Various Types of Data is the Challenge "The federal government has created incentives for doctors to adopt EHR or Electronic Health Records" "...just think of the doctor that you go to that gets your CT Scan data(on CD), makes an opinion and puts it your Mom's folder" "My primary person as a developer allows a doctor to be more efficient, allows the doctor to focus more on the patient, allows him to improve the quality of care, and that's my intent" In th...

Unboxing the XPrintServer, Print From iPhone or iPad

The Lantronix XPrintServer home edition pretty much delivered right out of the box. We first tried just adding it to our lan since we already had a working print server in the form of the airport express. Unfortunately we were initially unable to get any of the ios devices to find the printer. So we went with the other approach of connecting the printer to the XPrintServer usb port, doing so made it worked like a dream. One thing you should remember is that you may need to delete your existing printer on osx then add the same printer with the XPrintServer name as the indicator.

Music Pioneers at Macworld/iWorld 2013

At Macworld/iWorld people are focused on the latest app or latest accessories and there were not a shortage of those items. Tucked away in various corners of Moscone West were three music pioneers displaying their music gear at Macworld/iWorld 2013.  They are not the household names connected with Fender, Gibson or Yamaha but after our Nerd Stalker interviews with each of them, they need a due mention. Have you heard of Larry Fishman, Robert Godin or Tony Agnello? and why should we? Well, they have created their companies from nothing to a sustained business with over 100 years of business experience combined.

LUMOback The Smart Posture Sensor for iOS

listen to ‘Track your posture via iOS with Lumo #ifan13’ on Audioboo Listen to our interview with Charles Wang of LUMOback and see our Unboxing below. If you are a biohacker your gonna dig the LUMOback. Watch the video below to see how cool the ui is because me telling you its a stick figure who changes color based on your posture does not do it justice. The LUMOback is a clever device that tracks your posture, you wear a sensor belt which sends the information to your ios device via Bluetooth.

Live Blogging from Macworld/iWorld 2013 - End of Day Two

End of Day 2 and the Nerd Stalker crew is exhausted. We did over 10 interviews and will start posting them over the weekend. The crowds definitely picked up today during the day. Tomorrow is the last day and we would expect another up tick in attendance because of last day bargain offers for products and only at Macworld/iWorld.