
Showing posts from November, 2012

9yr Old Pirate, Facebook Outs Ads, Uber vs Taxi vs Sinovsky

Nerd Stalker's Techweek Update Picks of the Week  Download MP3

SnapDish - A Food Spotting App For Holiday Consumption

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I am sure by the time you see this you will be well into your Thanksgiving meal.  If you haven't started, hold off on the pictures. We interviewed Hidetaka Fukushima , co-founder and International Business Developer of a popular food spotting app - SnapDish . Food spotting is taking pictures of your dishes or food you love to eat and sharing it with your friends. Check out the interview about this Japanese start-up and Hidetaka's insights into being a Japanese startup.

Social Time: FB Job Board, Twitter Loves PW Reset, Pinterest Gets the Business

Our social guys Greg Viloria ( @SocialGreg ) and Sean Charles ( @SocialMediaSean ) give the weekly updates from Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest. In this episode, they talk about Twitter's PW reset issues and Interactive Photos, FB's nested comments, Google + Hangouts with your favorite athletes and more. 

Like Gaming Tech? Then You Have To Meet This Guy

Adolfo Foronda of Nerd Stalker interviews Tech Hive's Carlos Rondela. Carlos talks about his entertainment/gaming tech history and his new Kickstarter campaign for " Everybody Game ". Carlos calls Everybody Game, "Pee-Wee's Playhouse meets a video game arcade. A web series about a fantastical arcade where everybody stops by to play games and chat". I've already contributed to his awesome endeavor you should consider doing the same, theres only a few days left so go contribute now . UPDATE: Congrats to Carlos Everybody Game has been fully funded on kickstarter.

Conducttr Shapes the World of Engagement and Storytelling

Transmedia seems to be a hot topic here in SF. We caught up with Robert Pratten , co-founder of Transmedia Storytelling Ltd. in a London cafe in between meetings. Robert talks about their product -- Conducttr. Conducttr allows brands and branding agencies to do unique engagement through transmedia storytelling . Robert discusses his love for film and his passion for transmedia storytelling. Enhances Your SNS Smartphone Experience

We interview founders, Alceo Marti and Miro Leko from a startup from Croatia called . Did you say Croatia? Yes, Croatia. Like most entrepreneurs, Alceo and Miro are just trying to solve a problem. According to a survey conducted by Concept Metrics in May of this year, people belong to an average of 1.8 social networks. takes the "Fifedom" nature of the big social networks and tries to fuse them together to get a more richer experience for the social network users. Alceo and Miro also discuss the Croatian infrastructure that supports startups like theirs.

Social TIme Takes On the Battle of the Social Photo Giants

In the next episode of Social Time, our social guys Greg Viloria (@SocialGreg) and Sean Charles (@SocialMediaSean) take on the Social Photo Giants. In this episode, they compare the social photo giants - Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. What's your favorite?

Should Great Web Based Apps Offer Desktop Apps?

listen to ‘Can and should great web based apps offer desktop apps?’ on Audioboo

GraphDive Provides Deep Dive into Your Website Users Social Graph

We talk with Shahram Seydin-Noor , Co-Founder and CEO of GraphDive  - a social analytics and interest graphing company. Shahram has a colorful background from a high tech lawyer at Wilson-Sonsini to an investment banker at Goldman-Sachs. He brought previous start-up experience at Nextbio where he was the CFO to start-up his own venture with his technical co-founder Sina Sohangir . Listen to Shahram as he discusses GraphDive's vision of helping websites serve users better and his thoughts on start-ups.