
Showing posts from September, 2008

Jam Legend - Nerd Stalker #8

Jam Legend seems like a web application that has massive potential, gaming + music + social+ internet = lots of $'s in my opinion. I can't remember the last time I've been this impressed with a web application, seriously. Nerd Stalker tracks down CEO Andrew Lee and Co-founder Arjun Lall. The give us their take on where the company is now and where it's going, very exciting stuff. BONUS, Jam Legend private beta invites available for Nerd Stalker viewers here . - Nerd Stalker #7

Recently wherever I go in the tech community, I keep hearing about, and how everyone seems to love the service. I knew we had to stalk Blip immediately, I contacted CEO Jeff Yasuda who graciously agreed to a sit down. Jeff turned out to be a very cool down to earth guy who has all the right qualities to take his company to success.

Alternageek - Nerd Stalker #6 Part 3

The last part in a 3 part conversation with the Linux podcast team Alternageek. Phew that was alot of info! In this final installment we talk more about cloud computing, linux in the home, school, and enterprise.

Alternageek - Nerd Stalker #6 Part 2

Alternageek - Nerd Stalker #6 Part 1

We talk to the hottest Linux podcast Alternageek and it's hosts Linuxchic and Techmonkey. If your a Linux fan or just like to listen to two interesting perspectives Alternageek is a must. Big ups to those two for sitting through a lengthy interview on a cold San Francisco day. Oh and Part 2 is the best part so make sure to catch it when it's released.

Widgetbox - Nerd Stalker #5 Part 5

Nerd Stalker interview with CTO & Co-founder of Widgetbox Giles Goodwin. Sorry bout the lighting going strange midway we ran out of juice and had to move to a less desirable spot but alas. Giles is scary smart and is a vet of the tech industry another one of those guys we could just go on and on with if it wasn't for time constraints. Widgetbox helps people express, connect, create and inform using web widgets that can be easily shared and distributed anywhere on the web. Their community of tens of thousands of widget makers and over 56 million widget users is growing every day. Widgetbox widgets have been on hundreds of thousands of websites. And, best of all, Widgetbox is free.

iWidgets - Nerd Stalker #5 Part 4

Nerd Stalker interview with iWidgets CEO Peter Yared. Peters demo of the iWidget appliction was very cool, a really nice feature was the yahoo pipes type of drag and drop builder. Widgetbox helps people express, connect, create and inform using web widgets that can be easily shared and distributed anywhere on the web.