
Showing posts from September, 2010

Want a Voice In Tech Politics? is a statewide coalition focused on championing the conversation about the future of California’s critical technology sector. brings together industry experts, thought leaders, tech innovators, policy makers and consumers in a non-partisan mission to promote innovation, create new jobs, spur investment and support tech-friendly policies. Adolfo Foronda of Nerd Stalker interviews Director of Lane Kasselman at this years SF New Tech summer social. leads the discussion on technology and innovation throughout California by seeking insight from vested membership and counsel from our advisory board. does not focus on every technology related issue facing our state, but will champion the most pressing issues concerning technology companies, end users and our communities. is a resource for policy makers in California and beyond as they grapple with policy that affects the innov...

How Your Smartphone Will Get You Some ... ideas

Nerd Stalker interview with founder of OliveWoo , Alex Levy. Their mission is to help couples build better relationships. The focus right now is on creating a repository of cool date ideas to encourage couples to go out on more creative dates. 4mins Episode 87