
Showing posts from November, 2017

Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War Official Trailer


Must See - Smithsonian Channel's Series on SURVIVAL IN THE SKIES Starts Tonight

PREPARE FOR TAKEOFF WITH THE NEW SMITHSONIAN CHANNEL(TM) SERIES   Details of Apollo Suit (Coutesy of Arrow Media/Smithsonian Networks) Are you claustrophobic in a small room? What if you had to drive or just go to work everyday in a space suit. Think of Astronauts and Pilots who, day-to-day, are in a small space craft, space station or even space suit. Every day, pilots and astronauts face life-or-death situations when they risk their lives to test the capabilities of physics and science. With limited time, harsh conditions and the pressure of survival, they must do everything they can to make it back on the ground safely.  SURVIVAL IN THE SKIES  tells the stories behind incredible pieces of space and aviation technology, from the invention of the parachute to the development of space suits. The four-part series features stories of the people who created these amazing breakthroughs and the men and women who relied on them when their survival hung in the balance...

The robot-proof job men aren't taking


Gig Economy Helps Small Businesses Grow this Holiday Season

New Survey Data from SCORE shows 37% increase in small businesses employing gig workers Image courtesy of Pablo by Buffer New survey data from SCORE shows small businesses’ increasing reliance on part-time and gig workers this holiday season. Small business owners reported a 37% increase in hiring gig workers over the past six months (more than any other type of worker), citing specialized expertise and temporary/seasonal needs as top reasons for hiring this part-time or temporary help. This infographic below accompanies the latest installment of SCORE’s  Megaphone of Main Street  data report series , which presents original, statistically-significant survey data on the American small business landscape.

Silicone squeegee sponge. You want this.


Emergence – How Stupid Things Become Smart Together


Save PodShare: End World Loneliness


First Interstellar Asteroid Wows Scientists


The New SpotMini by Boston Dynamics #robots


Ten-Year-Old's Face Unlocks Face ID on His Mom's iPhone X


Balloon Costumes

Image is the task manager for everything? #google #productivity

Image is the task manager for everything, bringing all of your data into one consistent interface to manage everything in your life. is a full email client built into an organization system so that you can manage your emails with the full power of an advanced task manager.

Amazon's Next Acquisition


Chat bot Scams Scammers, E-Roads in CA, YouTube And Kids Safety


Three Simple Steps to Prevent Gossip From Infiltrating Your Office

Linda Adams Shares Thoughts on Office Gossip (editor: We are grateful and pleased for Linda Adams of The Trispective Group to write a guest article on the workplace. Please enjoy) By Linda Adams   Work gossip. Some of us participate in it, and most of us see it as a relatively harmless reality of working in an office. But the truth is, gossip has the power to dismantle even the best teams and keep good teams from becoming truly great. Here’s why work gossip is bad news: It allows mistrust to grow.  When you start talking about coworkers instead of talking to them, you begin to see and assume the worst about their behavior. One of the hallmarks of a great team is assuming positive intent. This is the idea that we should assume that our teammates have a good reason for what they’re doing or what they’ve asked of us.When gossip spreads, your team will begin to do the complete opposite of this. Teammates will begin to assume that other individuals and groups have se...

This $400 smart oven wants to cook you a fantastic meal while you do other things


Student Turned Entrepreneur Develops DIY Backyard Ice Rink System
