SF Music Tech Summit Announces a Hackathon to Kickoff SF Music Tech Summit Prior to this year's SF MusicTech Summit on October 17, the SF MusicTech summit just announced a hackathon to kickoff the SF MusicTech Summit on October 14th and 15th at Upload SF . Participants will join forces to address a focus area in MusicTech ( Music , VR/AR/XR, Music AI, music blockchain and cryptocurrencies) with the aim of developing an overnight unicorn and compete for prizes under the supervision of experts. It will be like the "24 hours of LeMans" with non-stop action as hackers, innovators, tech- specialists, artists, makers and coders use and share their knowledge to develop the new, innovative solutions in the MusicTech industry. The SF MusicTech Hackathon is being produced by Travis Laurendine of SXSW Hackathon / Outside Hacks, and Luann Williams of the SXSW Hackathon in partnership with International Music HackDay, the SF ...