
Showing posts from July, 2007

Watch it while you can, Iron Man trailer

Sorry got taken down by "The Man".

Flight of the Conchords

Bush Administration sigh....

New bedness

So I had this uber expensive Harbor Plush Sealy mattress that turned to shite after a year, never got around to Sleep Train to tell them to suck it and take it back. So after 5yrs of misery I decided to pull the trigger on one of those memory foam mattresses, but after some research the big name Tempur-Pedic cheapest one was 2kish. I recall getting a Costco email ad and one of the products was a memory foam mattress by the name of Novaform . So I Googled the hell out of Novaform and read some pretty good reviews and the best part was that it was about a third thee cost of a tempur-pedic. I order the King sized Fresh Dreams version online knowing that it will be shipped to my house and that Costco has a god head return policy. It came super folded, deceptivly small and weighed 140lbs, 2 of us could not get it up the stairs. We had to borrow a dolly and get 3 of us to get it up the stairs, I could not imagine having to return this beast. I cut it out of he plastic wrap and hear a whoosh...

Buffest Dog I Have Ever Seen [PIC]

Trippy mutation that makes this dog freakin huge. read more

Babies Lie!

Whether lying about raiding the biscuit tin or denying they broke a toy, all children try to mislead their parents at some time. Yet it now appears that babies learn to deceive from a far younger age than anyone previously suspected. Behavioural experts have found that infants begin to lie from as young as six months. Simple fibs help to train them for more complex deceptions in later life. Read More

i love a good lie

am i a hippy?

Video: Reel Mowers Cut Down Pollution