
Showing posts from October, 2010

Preview Of The Edge Prototype For HTML5

Adobe gives us a sneak preview of Edge an interesting early stage HTML5 tool.

User Privacy: Failing To Protect (Audio) with Robert Scoble

Moderator: Jay Weintraub ; Creator, LeadsCon Panel: Cindy Cohn ; Legal Director, EFF Bob Bahramipour ; VP of Biz Dev, TRUSTe Robert Scoble ; Rackspace, Inc.

Increase User Engagement With Gaming Techniques (Audio)

Increase User Engagement With Gaming Techniques (Audio), FailCon 2010 talk. Moderator: Greg Mand ; GSM Consulting Panel: Rebecca Watson ; gWallet Farb Nivi ; Founder,Grockit Mihir Shah ; CEO, Tapjoy

David Pogue - Gadgets Gone Bad (Audio)

David Pogue giving a talk called, "Gadgets Gone Bad" at FailCon 2010. David delivers a hilarious talk touching on several failed devices he has reviewed and how they went so terribly wrong.

You Have To Listen To This, ex DIGG CEO Jay Adelson gets candid.

An amazingly candid talk from the ex DIGG CEO, Jay Adelson . Cathy Brooks and Jay talk about his early days in other companies he ran, lessons learned, work/life balance, east coast vs. west coast, why he left DIGG and the (declined) CURRENT.TV and Google acquisition offers. An interesting moment occurs when a woman in the audience notifies Jay of breaking news that DIGG laid off 37% of their staff at that very moment.

Why Successful Startups Fail Better - Steve Blank

Listen to the Steve Blank FailCon 2010 fantastic talk. Customer Development Past Present Future Steve Blank (Not all the same slides from the talk but most are, will swap out if/when they are made available)

12seconds is shutting down, can video startups survive?

Today we are announcing the end of 12seconds. Why?  As you probably know, everything has a life cycle.  12seconds is in its twilight.  After all the new product launches and attempts at a revenue model, fundraising with VCs and late night coding sessions with Jacob hunched over his monitors - it's time to call it.  It is time to end 12seconds. From ( share this quote ) I have been fans of video startups in the past such as Seesmic Video , Phreadz , Tokbox and 12secconds . These services are either gone, withering, or in limbo (Tokbox being the only exception). I've had the pleasure of meeting Sol one of the founders of 12seconds and he was nothing short of a gentleman, we are sad to see the Santa Cruz based startup close it's doors. It's ironic given just the other night I see a brand new startup called Nimbb offering a free 30 second web webcam recording feature. The Nimbb business model is charging clients $30/month to access th...

Mixpanel Real time Web Analytics

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Asian Cross-Cultural Branding btrax

Clipped from: ( share this clip ) Listen to our interview with the CEO Brandon Hill.

How Tutorials Make or Break Your Social Game

Clipped from: ( share this clip ) In this in-depth Gamasutra feature, Digital Chocolate (Safari Kingdom, Nanotowns) lead social designer Aki Jarvinen discusses the complexities of attracting social gamers with little patience -- and still teaching them to play your game both effectively and appealingly.

7 Useful Design Strategies for a Successful Pricing Table | UX Movement

Clipped from: ( share this clip ) "One of the most important and difficult pages to design for web applications is the pricing table. When users get to your pric ing table, they likely have a basic under stand ing of your web application and what you offer. Now, they want to know how much they have to pay to use your application. If your pricing table isn’t effectively designed for conversions, you are probably losing potential cus­tomers. However, by applying these 5 effective design strategies, you could prevent that from hap­pening, and convert interested users into paying customers." Read More

How Top Educators Are Influencing A New Generation Of Entrepreneurs

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10/20 SF New Tech: Red Vines, EasySign, AdRoll, Nimbb, VideoGenie

If you don't know by now we flat out love SF New Tech, yes we do have the honor of being a media partner but even if we didn't we would beg, borrow or steal to get in to their events. It's just flat out the best meetup in the bay area, we are amazed by how many (and how often) quality startups they showcase. The next meetup on 10/20 is no exception we will most definitely be at Mighty and if your there find us and say hello. Get tickets Red Vines Mike Kelly, Consumer Communications Manager American Licorice Company began making Red Vines in San Francisco in 1920. While the process used to make Red Vines hasn’t changed much in nearly 100 years, the technology used to market the brand is changing dramatically. Introducing the Red Vines World of Sharing, a social media platform engineered to spread goodwill and happiness from the Bay Area to the world. EasySign Sunil Patro, Founder EasySign enables you to sign any document using you...

7 Skills students need for their future

Dr. Tony Wagner, co-director of Harvard's Change Leadership Group has identified what he calls a "global achievement gap," which is the leap between what even our best schools are teaching, and the must-have skills of the future: * Critical thinking and problem-solving * Collaboration across networks and leading by influence * Agility and adaptability * Initiative and entrepreneurialism * Effective oral and written communication * Accessing and analyzing information * Curiosity and imagination

Failcon 2010 Embrace Your Mistakes Build Success

Clipped from: ( share this clip ) FailCon is the premier conference on start-up failures and how to prepare and recover from them. Register Now On October 25th, 2010, join over 400 entrepreneurs, developers, investors, marketers, service providers, press, and more at this year’s FailCon, called a “breath of fresh air” by NBC, a “big success” by Wired. You aren’t a real entrepreneur until you’ve had to deal with failure, and recovering from it – financially emotionally and practically – can be challenging. Hear how major players in the industry have dealt with failure, recovered from it, and kept a positive, tenacious, and energetic attitude through it all. What Will You Learn This Year? * How do VCs handle failing investments? * Online Privacy: How do respect your users while still making money? * What do you do when digital communication and PR goes bad? * How do you sell your business successfully and efficiently? * How do you financially prepare for the possibility ...

S.F. is 'ground zero' for mobile, Web startups

San Francisco is 'ground zero' for mobile, Web startups : Clipped from: ( share this clip )

Conan O'Brien: King of Social Media

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AddToAny CEO audio update

How NBC, McDonalds, and ItiBiti are Crushing the Desktop

“Were seeing 16 almost 17 minutes per day of engagement" those numbers are stratospheric. Launched in 2008, ItiBiti delivers a private-label consumer engagement platform for the computer desktop (with a mobile version in development for Q1 2011). This app provides an all-in-one social media entertainment and communications platform that is fully customized for each client, providing the ability to launch with their own exclusive content, promotions and advertising. The app is designed to instantly connect the brand with consumers the moment they log-on to their computer. Clipped from: ( share this clip ) This creates a truly unique custom branded environment that offers exclusive content, sophisticated communication tools and access to their favorite online communities, providing our clients a powerful opportunity to create deeper and richer relationships with their customers. This customized private label communications platform extends the reach of tradit...

Making It Suck #UX

We travel across the country, continent and world to have conversations with real users to ensure that we understand their needs and that our design decisions will make their everyday tasks easier and more intuitive to accomplish. But perhaps we can improve our methods by considering an inverse approach: What if our intent was to frustrate, rather than ease? What if we intentionally made things subtly challenging and unintuitive? From ( share this quote )

Adobe Unveils Stunning New Digital Museum (Adobe Featured Blogs)

Adobe Unveils New Digital Museum (Adobe Featured Blogs) : Clipped from: ( share this clip )

YourVersion CEO announces updates

Noisy update from Failcon founder

Adobe shares jump on news of Microsoft meeting - MarketWatch

Adobe shares jump on news of Microsoft meeting - MarketWatch : Clipped from: ( share this clip )