
Showing posts from July, 2017

CA Drone Speed Challenge - It's Kinda Cool

Our Crew Gets Behind the Scenes look at Drone Racing Photo Courtesy of Comcast & Beck Diefenbach Have you checked out drone racing? It isn't new but it isn't quite mainstream yet. We were invited to get a behind the scenes look at drone racing. It actually was amazing. The feel of the event was what we can describe as somewhat Maker Faire, SF Tech Event and NASCAR rolled into one. Why Maker Faire? All drones are custom made by each "drone pilot" and tweked in between the races in the netted pit area. Why SF Tech Event? If you have ever gone to a SF tech event , it is has an organic, underground feel to it. People in the "know" network. People on the outside try to get inside for connections. Why NASCAR? There is starting to be some sizable purse money at stake and all the racers we talked to are full time racers. At the CA Drone Speed Challenge , $10,000 was up for grabs with an inside course laid out at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco....

Uno Bolt: Worlds First E-Unicycle with Gyro Force Technology #ev

Uno Bolt is the worlds first e-unicycle with Gyro Force Technology. With built-in stabilizer sensors, it's the quickest responding gyroscope to be put into a one wheel machine. Uno Bolt, bolting away with style and precision. See the kickstarter here .

Trello announces Card Dependencies With The Hello #Epics Power-Up for #Agile #Kanban #Scrum

Say Hello To Card Dependencies With The Hello Epics Power-Up Sometimes plans and projects get big. So big, in fact, that you start to lose perspective on all of the moving parts and how they relate to each other. Another important aspect that gets lost in the mix as projects scale is which Trello cards depend on other cards before they can move forward.

iPhone 7 — The Rock x Siri Dominate the Day — #Apple #iOS #siri

You should never, ever, under any circumstances, underestimate how much Dwayne Johnson can get done in a day with Siri. Follow the world’s busiest actor and Siri as they dominate the day. Learn more about Siri at

Listen to the Nerdy Blab Podcast Now

Adolfo and Greg talks  Segway smart watch airpod Trello blackmagic?   Photo image courtesy of Pablo by Buffer Adolfo Foronda and Greg Viloria talk about the Nerdy things on their mind like Segway, ToDoist, Mac Boo Pro, Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera and more!

Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Full Trailer LEAKED!! Watch before it's pulled down!

Hurry watch it!

Justice League - Comic-Con Sneak Peek [HD]

And the new Justice League trailer of course, any guesses who Alfreds talking to at the end?

Ready Player One Comic-Con Trailer (2018) | Movieclips Trailers

Notice everything? Ready Player One Comic-Con Trailer.

Marvel’s The Defenders | Official Trailer 2 [HD] | Netflix


Pokémon GO - Adventure Together for Legendary #Pokémon!

Pokemon GO takes it to the next level with Adventure Together .

Scott Galloway: Asshole ≠ Innovative

Scott Galloway for president!

Looking for Music Technology Startups

SF MusicTech Summit Announces Their Annual Startup Competition Listen up music technology startups! This week, SF MusicTech Summit announced their annual Startup Competition in conjunction with this year's SF MusicTech Summit on October 17, 2017 in SF's Japantown. This purpose of the  SF MusicTech Summit    Startup Competition  is to spot & promote great music tech companies early, and to make sure everyone in music technology community is tapped in! Enter now for priority consideration! Check out the rules below. Enter the Startup Competition Here

Book About Family Business Sustainability Available Free This Week

T ransition , #1 International Bestselling Book  Free  To Download This Week Great read for family businesses and it is free this week. Written from decades of research and application by wealth transition and family business expert from Australia, David Werdiger, ‘Transition’ reaches out to family businesses torn by inner conflict, confusion and the raw possibility that their mini empire will be all but dead in another generation’s time. Using wisdom from his own boundless success and work as a consultant to thousands of family businesses, Werdiger offers entrepreneurs a bold opportunity to prepare for the greatest wealth transfer in history, by redefining how they look at and operate their business. From learning how to better communicate with the many generations who have input in their family business, to resolving conflict, re-establishing trust and calculating how much wealth should be left behind for future generations – this compelling volume is the...

Humpday Must Watch - Six Female Entrepreneurs Talk About the Valley's Bro Culture

NBC Megyn Kelly Sits Down with Six Female Entrepreneurs Who Talk about Sexual Harassment in the Tech Industry Photo Courtesy of NBC News’ “Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly.” In NBC's recent “Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly,” Kelly sat down with six female entrepreneurs who shared their stories for the first time on national television about sexual harassment by venture capitalists in the tech industry. Her show is not making strides against CBS's stalwart "60 Minutes" in the same time slot but this episode was interesting to watch.  Here are some quotes from the show. Wethos CEO Rachel Renock told Kelly, “To walk into a pitch or a room just to get hit on is devastating to a certain extent. And to experience that over and over and over again-- can really take a toll, an emotional toll.”  Recode's Executive Editor Kara Swisher told Kelly when asked about the valley's "bro" culture, Swisher said " It sounds like a fraternity, it so...

Stormborn: Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2: Preview (HBO)

No spoilers but episode 1 of the new season was awesome and in perfect Game of Thrones style left you wanting more. Shall we begin?

BLADE RUNNER 2049 – Trailer 2

I loved the first Blade Runner, have watched it countless times. The follow up looks wonderful, I can't wait to see this movie, can you?

How Much of the Earth Can You See at Once?

How much of the Earth can you see at once? Depends on the angle if it's flat right? ;p

Weekend Must Watch - Hyperloop is Hyper Cool

Wired Channel on The Scene Releases Update on the Hyperloop Photo courtesy of Conde Nast Entertainment and Wired Hyperloop - Hype or Real? Hyperloop, as promoted on the website ,   is a promise to move people and things at airline speeds for the price of a bus ticket. Sounds sweet, huh?  On July 12,  Hyperloop One   announced the successful completion of the world's first full systems Hyperloop test in a vacuum environment.  The  Wired channel on The Scene   just released a video update on the the hyperloop. Still there is some hurdles to go but as emerging technology, we need to take a step at a time. Thanks to  Conde Nast Entertainment  and  Wired  for showing us nerds how Hyperloop is moving to reality. Check it out! The Nerd Stalker Team

My July 2017 Todoist Setup

In this video, I share my Todoist setup for task management, organization and getting things done (GTD). My Todoist setup is still very much a work in progress, I'd love to know how all of you are staying on top of all the things you need to get done in life?

Humpday Must Read - A Chat with Margaret Atwood on Digital Dystopia

Novelist Margaret Atwood shares Why the End of Humanity will Not be Because of Tech Entrepreneurs Photo by Jean Malek By Sarah Lacy on June 11, 2017. Originally published on - the world's largest startup platform, helping over 1 million startup companies. More from Startups. In today’s era of quick consumption media, we’re lucky to have any words stay relevant ten minutes after they are written. (Just look at how the Tweets of President Donald Trump complaining about Barack Obama golfing too much have aged.) Novelist Margaret Atwood has pulled off something tremendous in that the 1985 novel The Handmaid’s Tale is even more relevant today, than any other time. And that wasn’t a fluke. It’s not the only Atwood project making the leap to TV. “Oryx and Crake” has been in production as well as “Alias Grace.” Barely a week goes by where Atwood doesn’t get a fan Tweeting her about one of her post-apocalyptic fantasies coming a little too close to reality...