
Showing posts from September, 2014

The Nerd Stalker Brainiac Half Hour

Picks of the Week: Google reportedly wants to boost presence of Google on Android devices | Android and Me Bummed Out Athletes: Steve Ballmer wants Clippers to drop #Apple products… via @sportingnews ( DeAntae Prince / Sporting News) "Comcast says it’s been working too hard on being ‘innovative’ to deliver good customer service" [Update] Academy of Art Students in an Uproar over Adobe CS6 License Cancellations… (SocialGreg / Nerd Stalker) Engineer Sees Big Possibilities in Micro-robots, Including Programmable Bees Bendgate continues: iPhone 6, One M8, new Moto X, Lumia 1020 via @androids (Juan Carlos Torres / Android Community) Speed Round: The Ryno, A One-Wheeled, Self-Balancing Electric Scooter via @LaughingSquid (Brian Heater / Laughing Squid) Harvesting electricity from h...

FirstBuild Community Helps You Hack Your GE Appliance

What? A major appliance company goes maker? That is what GE's promise for the FirstBuild community in Louisville, Kentucky. FirstBuild is a community of builders, makers and innovators backed by GE. We interview FirstBuild's product evangelist, Taylor Dawson, live from their maker space. They will even give you a tour. Check it out!

Startup Blog Insights - 4 Ways Agile Entrepreneurs Use to Optimize Time

This month, we take another journey into Agile thinking. We will go in-depth into an article on titled “ 4 Ways Agile Entrepreneurs Optimize Time ” with Taffy Williams, Examiner writer and entrepreneur, and the co-founder & CEO of Colonial TDC. Taffy gives examples from his experience of Agile ways of thinking and insights on how investors think . Give it a listen or a view!

Gyzmo! You deserve power over your devices

What is Gyzmo? Gyzmo is a wireless button that syncs with your smart devices using BLE technology. Once Gyzmo is synced you will have the ability to launch your favorite applications and features from across the room with the press of a button.  Its unique design and shape allows you to easily identify the appropriate button to press in an emergency situation. Its durable plastic enclosure guarantees functionality even after the craziest adventure with your friends. Gyzmo doesn't have one, but THREE programmable buttons. This allows you to create unique patterns for as many commands as you want. The next generation of Bluetooth is here and it’s quickly becoming the go-to protocol for interacting with all your smart devices. A year from now you’ll be glad you became an early adopter with Gyzmo before the surge of Bluetooth 4.0 devices arrived! With Bluetooth 4.0 Gyzmo can be used to launch commands from up to 100 ft. away. We've seen many other Bl...

How to go from 0-60 in Coding in about 30 Days

Our shortage of coders especially here in the SF Bay Area is no joke. Recently many people are trying to address this need with short courses. Angel Hack, the organization known for their worldwide hackathons, has started an educational program primarily to train people to code to address this shortage. They are focusing on Ruby On Rails and you won't be an expert in Rails in 30 days but will be well on your way. Check them out!

Northern Ireland is Accelerating the UK Startup Culture

The startup heart of the UK is Belfast, Northern Ireland? Well, that seems to be what Aaron Taylor thinks who has organized an event called  Friday Night Mashup into a TEDx meets Shark Tank meets SxSW in Northern Ireland. Aaron sits in a place where the   knowledge economy growing three times faster than the rest of the  UK . We talk with Aaron who discusses not only why the Friday Night Mashup is truly quirky as well as the desire to get Bono to his event someday. Check it out!

The Suitsy: A Business-Suit Onesie #thisjusthappened

Betabrand designer Jesse Herzog unveils the greatest workplace creation since the water cooler. Farewell 3-piece suit, the Internet's invented a business onesie. Last Thursday, Jesse Herzog unveiled the Suitsy on , the online clothing company that lets the Web decide the future of fashion. Ever since, the site's raged with debate -- Is the Suitsy the end of Western Civilization or it's savior?! According to Herzog, "Imagine looking professional, but feeling like you're in pajamas." The Suitsy is a jacket connected to a shirt connected to pants. A zipper is hidden behind the shirt-button placard (with false buttons) and pants zipper. Fake shirt-cuff material extends from the end of the jacket sleeves to give the impression of a complete dress shirts worn underneath. It's as if a jumpsuit and business suit had a love child. Mr. Herzog is a real estate developer by trade, but is able to dabble as a fashion designer in Be...

Update: Academy of Art Students in an Uproar over Adobe CS6 License Cancellations

And the Adobe Creative Cloud debate continues... I came across this post on my Facebook feed about Adobe Master Collection vCS6 licenses of Academy of Art University students and alumni being revoked without warning. Remember CS6 is the last of the breed requiring only a one time license purchase. Creative Cloud is perpetual (as long as you pay). The graduate student alumni of Academy of Art writes in a letter on the Facebook page "Adobe claims that my university revoked the serial numbers, while my university claims Adobe terminated my ownership, and they had no warning this would happen – to any of us." So, how can this happen? Well, apparently "Students were issued serial numbers, with licensing agreements, and sent on our merry way to learn the intricacies of our creative tools." said alumni graduate student. Interesting huh? This license agreement must have been very customized for the Academy of Art University(AAU). Typically, enterprise licenses are onl...

Event Preview: Founders Space Angel Pitch Event

Startups, start your engines! Here is the event you want to be at if you need some angel funding or seed funding. We speak with Steve Hoffman, CEO and co-founder of Founders Space on their Angel Pitch event on September 25 at Founders Space. Steve talks about the event and what you need to pitch an angel. Let's listen in.

Angel Musings: Steve Hoffman Talks about IoT

Picture Courtesy of Founders Space If you are bullish on the Internet of Things,(IoT) you will love this.  In this video, we sat down with Founders Space CEO an angel investor, Steve Hoffman on why everyone is bullish on IoT and why you should be. Exciting times ahead. 

Event Preview - Venture Capital & Internet of Things

On September 24, Founders Space is holding a Venture Capital(VC) and Internet of Things (IoT) event at Pillsbury - Palo Alto. We talk with Founders Space CEO, Steve Hoffman on why everyone is bullish on IoT. Especially VCs like   Intel Capital,  SanDisk Ventures and more will tell you where they are investing.  Check out why you should attend. 

5 Myths About the IT Industry

©  .shock  |  -  System Fail Situation In Network Server Room Photo Do you have misconceptions about IT engineers? Networks and Internet access seem to be thought in the background in a similar way like water and electricity. When we don't have it, we scream. The Nerd Stalkers talk to Sarah Lahav of SysAid Technologies Ltd on the following myths about IT Departments. “ That IT teams work in basements" “That BYOD is new” “That an IT service desk handling a low number of calls is a good thing” “That the corporate IT organization is still as powerful as it was in the 90s” "That an IT service desk handling a high number of incidents is a good thing. It instead shows that IT operations cause lots of issues."

Game of Thrones Transmedia Style

How does Game of Thrones and Transmedia work? Transmedia Storytelling Ltd and Canal+ in Spain did a MMORPG game in parallel with the series Game of Thrones in Spain. They pulled all the stops on this using the series website, Sponsor in-store game codes and Social Media. We deep dive with Robert Pratten, CEO and co-founder of Transmedia Storytelling Ltd. on how their Conductrr product was the backbone of this transmedia MMORPG running along side the Game of Thrones series. Check out his interview below.

Kickstarter Unboxed: How to Stop Viruses from Attacking Your Smart Fridge

We continue our Kickstart Unboxed series on Kickstarter entrepreneurs and their stories. Earlier this year, a supposed unvalidated claim of a refrigerator sending spam email was reported. In the Internet of Things(IOT) era, security, virus and malware vulnerability is a possibilty. We found a product on Kickstarter, called  iGuardian , which stops viruses and malware before they enter your home network device. We speak with Jock Breitwieser (Bright-wise-er) and Daniel Ayoub of itus Networks and creators of iGuardian. Daniel and Jock give a glimpse of their so-far successful Kickstarter campaign. Listen to their learnings about Kickstarter.

Stop the slow lane today is #internetslowdown

Cable companies want to slow down (and break!) your favorite sites, for profit. To fight back, let's cover the web with symbolic "loading" icons, to remind everyone what an Internet without net neutrality would look like, and drive record numbers of emails and calls to lawmakers.  Are you in?

HashtagSell Moves the World to Online Classifieds 2.0

Moving the online classified market seems a no brainer considering the social network tools out there. HashtagSell claims to hold that promise. HashtagSell is a ebay meets craigslist with a pinterest user experience. We talk with co-founders Brad Davis and Devin McKinney on their new service. Devin even gives some advice on funding for startups. Check it out.

The Wolf and The Week in Tech

Nerd Stalker Picks of the Week: The Wolf Twitpic Folds After Twitter Threat (Britt Clark / Socialtimes) Holy Cow: Marc Newson Joining Apple's Design Team! - Core77 My Year with a Distraction-Free iPhone (and How to Start Your Own Experiment) (Jake Knapp / Medium) K480 Keyboard – Multi-Device – Logitech Can Printed Electronics Be the Silver Bullet for the Printing Industry? via @nerdstalker Speed Round: RunSwift - There Are Now at Least 25 Billion-Dollar Mobile Internet Companies ( John Koetsier, V enture Beat) Rdio announces Version 3 Intel’s Broadwell chip is getting ready to power next-generation Chromebooks via @gigaom (Keven Toefl / GigaOM) Dyson 360 Eye https://www...

What is a Crowdfunding Festival?

When creator pitch night meets Kickstarter, that is a crowdfunding festival. One Spark is the world's only crowdfunding festival started in Jacksonville, Florida and now coming to Berlin, Germany. We speak with Elton Rivas of One Spark as he discusses how he and his two other co-founders created One Spark and how the Berlin event coming up on September 12 and 13 is organized.

Can Printed Electronics Be the Silver Bullet for the Printing Industry?

Photo courtesy of Cal Poly Graduate Education Printed electronics is a emerging area where one can use traditional graphics printing techniques to put down conductive lines using  such as  screenprinting ,  flexography ,  gravure ,  offset lithography , and  inkjet .  This has been in the research phases for years and now it appears people are gearing up for the manufacturing phase. All the research has been focused is in the making the conductive inks more affordable and adapting printing machines for these inks. This area can be a prime target for the  Maker Movement .   You also need to train printing professionals and creative designers to use this area. We talked with Malcolm Keif , professor in Graphic Communications at Cal Poly, about their online program in Printed Electronics  to train people in this field. 

Learning about startup deals at Startup BD 4

What's BD? BD or Business development is often confused with marketing or sales. It is really a combination of those and a lot of different other skills with the ability to connect your startup with a new base of users, technology and long-term revenue sources. The Nerd Stalker crew were pleased to talk with Nathan Beckord , CEO and co-founder of Foundersuite , who produces the Startup Business Development event. Find out what makes this event special.