
Showing posts from January, 2019

The Open Source Computer Science Degree

"This is my curated list of free courses from reputable universities like MIT, Stanford, and Princeton that satisfy the same requirements as an undergraduate Computer Science degree, minus general education. Everything is open source online and free." - ForrestKnight (Social Handle)

90% of CEOs Claim to Lead With Gratitude While Only 37% of Employees Are Satisfied

Survey: 90% of CEOs Claim to Lead With Gratitude While Only 37% of Employees Are Satisfied With the Appreciation They Receive Jan. 29, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- THNKS™, the only relationship building management system developed for sales, finance and HR professionals, recently surveyed over 250 CEOs and employees as part of its mission to understand and support the importance of gratitude in the American workplace. The survey showed that almost 90% of CEOs surveyed feel it is important to lead with gratitude and 88% believe their employees would give them high marks for doing so. However, just 37% of the employees surveyed indicated they are satisfied with the level of gratitude expressed in their workplace, and 96% said it is either somewhat or very important to feel appreciated at work. "The divide between the way CEOs and their employees view gratitude in the workplace is striking and it is clearly something business leaders need to address," said Larry Rubin, execut...

The first tendril-like soft robot able to climb

Researchers at Center for Micro-BioRobotics of IIT obtained the first soft robot mimicking plant tendrils: it is able to curl and climb, using the same physical principles determining water transport in plants. The research team is led by Barbara Mazzolai and results have been published in Nature Communications. In the future this tendril-like soft robot could inspire the development of wearable devices, such as soft braces, able to actively morph their shape.

Do You Really Need the New Year to Make Resolutions?

Author Vijay Eswaran Shares His Thoughts on Personal Resolutions By Vijay Eswaran It’s that time of the year when most people quit their resolutions for the New Year-- to lose weight, organize closets, clean out the attic, stick to a budget. Sounds familiar? Now think about this for a second. If you really, really want to do any of this, why wait for a particular day on the calendar to go for it? Many years ago, in my more adventurous youth, I was part of a rally of cars driving through the foothills of the Himalayas. Some of the trails that we drove through were precarious and dangerous. We had to stop many times to rest and assess our path. On one rest stop at a campsite high up in the mountains, I woke up to a misty morning and made myself a cup of coffee on our camping stove. As the sun began to rise, I carried my coffee to the edge of the road to take in the vista below covered in swirling mist. And that’s when I noticed a lone monk perched on the edge of...

Everyone hates open offices. Here's why they still exist

Everyone hates open offices. Here's why they still exist First, you tear down the walls and dispense with the soulless cubicles. Then you put everyone at long tables, shoulder to shoulder, so that they can talk more easily. Ditch any remaining private offices, which only enforce the idea that some people are better than others, and seat your most senior employees in the mix.

Looking Forward Prediction 2019

Scott and Maureen revisit their predictions from 2018 and make some new ones.

Tutorial: how to draw a fantasy village map

Tutorial: how to draw a fantasy village map Villages and towns are important places in most fantasy roleplaying games. It's a place for the adventurers to stock-up on gear before taking off on wilderness or dungeon expeditions, interact with NPC's, and sometimes the village itself is the main stage of the adventure. I don't know why, but I love this.

Simon Sinek Explains What Almost Every Leader Gets Wrong

Author Simon Sinek explains his book “The Infinite Game,” and why there are no rules in business.

Apple CEO Tim Cook Speaks with CNBC’s Josh Lipton Today [Video & Transcript]

Tim Cook Points Slow Revenue Growth to Slowing Growth in China and Trade Talk Tension Photo courtesy of CNBC Great interview with CNBC's Josh Lipton and Apple CEO Tim Cook. Tim gives his take on Apple's lowering its Q1 guidance sends its stock tumbling.     Watch CNBC's full interview with Apple CEO Tim Cook from CNBC . Unofficial Transcript here. JOSH LIPTON: Tim, thank you so much for taking the time to chat. We appreciate it. TIM COOK: Thank you for coming. JOSH LIPTON: I want to dig right into the results, Tim, and iPhone revenue specifically. Because as you mentioned, that was lower than expected and that accounted for the revenue shortfall here. And I want to dig in specifically to the trend you’re seeing in China. Because you say something interesting, which it isn’t just the economy there, it’s also these rising trade tensions. What did you mean by that, Tim? TIM COOK: Yeah. If you look at our results, our shortfall is over 100% from iPh...

Every Mouse Click Counts

A Story from the book  Project to Product: How to Survive and Thrive in the Age of Digital Disruption with the Flow Framework     by Dr. Mik Kersten My career has been dedicated to understanding and improving how large-scale software is built. I spent nearly two decades working on new programming languages and software development tools, and have had a chance to work with some of the best technologists in the world. But I have come to realize that, due to where we are in the Turning Point, technology improvements are no longer the bottleneck. Technology improvements will be relevant but incremental, yielding productivity gains of less than ten percent to organizations via new programming languages, tools, frameworks, and runtimes. In contrast, the disconnect between the business and IT is massive, as are the disconnects within IT organizations. The common approach to enterprise architecture is wrong, as it tends to focus on the needs of the technolog...