
Showing posts from December, 2009

ScrumNinja, Cause Anything Ninja Is Cool #58

Nerd Stalker interview with ScrumNinja co-founder David Lowenfels at the 2009 FailCon conference in San Francisco. ScrumNinja is an elegant, intuitive, easy to use agile project tracking web or server application. From the ScrumNinja site: "Deliver the goods ScrumNinja empowers you to deliver the goods. Your management, product owners, and customers get what they want, and you get what you want—an elegant, intuitive tool that doesn’t create obstacles for your creativity and flow. Wield the sword of simplicity ScrumNinja was designed with conceptual integrity as its foremost goal—it does simple things very well. It retains the intuitive simplicity of index cards while providing the benefit of real-time updates and automated metrics. Engage your people Collaboration and interaction are the heart and soul of agile. ScrumNinja’s intuitive user interface makes your team’s contributions instantly visible and understandable to each other, as well as to mana...

Best Of 2009 Nerd Stalker Awards Announced

WINNERS : Startup of the Year - 99designs (See the Nerd Stalker interview here ) An awesome solution for a business or individual looking for a logo, twitter design, or website design. It's one of those great ideas that you kick yourself for not thinking of. The idea is simple you commit to paying x amount for a design, then the 99designs community is able to submit designs for you to choose from. Once the selection of designs is made so is the transaction. We selected 99designs as our startup of the year for having everything a web application should a great user experience, business model, team and execution. A very big congratulations to 99designs for being selected as the first ever Nerd Stalker startup of the year for 2009. Best Cloud Backup - Backblaze (See the Nerd Stalker interview here ) The best kept secret in the online backup space, Backblaze is hands down the best solution out there. The pricing for the unlimited backup space is extremely competitive and the se...