
Showing posts from May, 2011

Stories using Social Media - Storify

Nerd Stalker interview with Storify co-founder, Xavier Damman. Storify is a way to tell stories using social media such as Tweets, photos and videos. You search multiple social networks from one place, and then drag individual elements into your story. You can re-order the elements and also add text to give context to your readers.

Win Phone 7 Mango Preview


RAMPS A Wheelchair DJ Interface and more, Maker Faire

We interview John Schimmel at Maker Faire in San Mateo, CA. John is adjunct professor at the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU and teacher of Developing Assistive Technology. RAMPS is a wheelchair DJ interface - the left wheel fades between tracks while the right wheel scratches the music. Users bring their existing wheelchair skills to the show, RAMPS detects the speed and direction of each wheel. The wheelchair becomes an interface to music, games and new computer interactions. From John's Blog , " The idea for Ramps came from an 18 year old boy with cerebral palsy who called himself E-Money (spelled E$). He is part of the hip-hop culture, rapping with the other boys or to the nurses as they went to therapy. The boys had amazing wheelchair skills, swarming through the hallways in packs without incident. I wanted to develop something that could use the existing wheelchair skills. I developed Ramps with several classmates at the Interactive Telecommunications Progr...

MeeGo Conference San Francisco

Clipped from: ( share this clip ) MeeGo Project MeeGo is a Linux-based, open source operating system for small form factor devices. It was created with a unique user experience, designed from the beginning to look great on tablets, handheld devices, in-vehicle infotainment systems, smart TVs, netbooks, and more. MeeGo has a vibrant and active community of developers, enthusiasts, and users. MeeGo is a Linux Foundation project that was established in February 2010. Like with other open source projects, anyone can contribute to the MeeGo project and become a part of the MeeGo community. You can learn more at . MeeGo Conference Hosted at the downtown Hyatt in San Francisco, CA, on May 23-25th, 2011 , the MeeGo community looks to capitalize on its momentum. Positioned as an anticipated event for the future of open source mobile computing, on devices ranging from smart phones to in vehicle infotainment devices to netbooks and more, MeeGo 2011 San Francisco offers...

Darrens Big Camera

[<a href="" target="blank">View the story "Darrens Big Camera" on Storify]</a>

Winklevoss lose federal appeals court bid for a rehearing in Facebook case

Clipped from: ( share this clip ) "Facebook in a statement said: "We're pleased with the court's decision." Last month, the 9th Circuit ruled that the Winklevoss twins cannot undo the settlement agreement that gave them $20 million in cash and stock now valued at more than $100 million. The Winklevosses say they were misled about the value of the stock. The Winklevosses are planning another legal challenge in Boston, where they plan to ask the court to investigate their claims that Facebook and its lawyers concealed instant messages from them during the litigation." Read more by selecting image above.

PlayOn issues new streaming TV API, adds 25 new channels

Clipped from: ( share this clip ) "PlayOn on Wednesday announced the availability of a new API that makes building channels for the company’s streaming video service easier than ever. PlayOn’s new “dead simple” PlayDirect API allows partners to create new channels by simply specifying a URL for the video feed and then selecting the video’s viewable area. Since making the new API available just two days ago, PlayOn has already added 25 new channels including Food Network, Disney Channel Live, Lifetime and TV Land, which are now available to stream to computers and mobile devices. “By opening up the PlayOn technology platform to third party developers, we are able to expand the content available to PlayOn users,” a spokesperson said in a statement. “Just like Apple’s app store brought new features and functionality to the iPhone, we plan on seeing a host of new channels in PlayOn.” Read full story select image above.

Levitating Fluid Plastic Balls

"Happy" was the theme we were given by the organizers for this year's F5 Re:Play Fest, held in April in NYC, to create this edition's pieces, probably the hardest thing to convey in any artistic expression. After a good deal of introspection, and teaming up with awesome motion graphics artist Gerardo del Hierro, we decided that happy wasn't happy for Physalia unless pliers, microchips and a bit of soldering were involved, and with this idea we resolved to create the happiest machine Physalia has built to date. From ( share this quote )

Why Microsoft Bought Skype

Clipped from: ( share this clip ) "If Microsoft is to continue to grow and have an existence post-PC it has to be first or second in the mobile market, Ballmer knows that. Buying Skype doesn’t guarantee Microsoft that success, but NOT buying Skype would have practically guaranteed Microsoft’s failure. And the $8.5 billion price? That was effectively set by Google, not Microsoft. Ballmer would have paid anything for Skype. $8.5 billion is just the price at which Google feels it is better for them to build rather than buy. So look for heavy activity in this space as Microsoft assimilates and Google constructs. More acquisitions will come for both companies along with any number of strategic realignments. But remember that neither is actually in control. The conclusion is not only far from certain, there’s still a chance that neither company will dominate. This is not an end-game, not yet." - Select image above for full story.

Cardrunners Customer Information may have been Stolen

Clipped from: ( share this clip ) As if the online poker community hasn't had it bad enough now has been emailing this out to registered users, " Last night we identified and stopped an illegal intrusion of the CardRunners servers. While no customer credit card or financial information was compromised, we have confirmed that the following customer information related to your account may have been compromised: Email Address Encrypted Password IP Address Out of an abundance of caution, we have forced your password to be reset. If you use your CardRunners username or password for other unrelated services or accounts, we recommend that you change them as well. Your new password is: XXXXXXXX CardRunners will never contact you in any way asking for any personally identifiable information so please be vigilant in not providing such information to anyone that represents themselves as working for CardRunners. We regret any inconvenie...

Belgian Startup Night Tomorrow 5/11 at SF New Tech

Clipped from: ( share this clip ) 5/11: Belgian Night with, Checkthis, Shall I Buy, Streetmark, Kaiten,, Auctelia, Alma In Silico & more! Can't wait to see you all there. For more info and tickets select the image above.

Google Music Preview

Googles answer to Amazon music in the cloud, I wonder how Apple will answer.

Change the Game Chang the World Yoxi

Yoxi (YO-see) is a creative competition and a social game. Teams of problem solvers battle to deliver the best solutions to social issues. You vote, comment, pledge and play along online. The winning team gets the funding opportunities and positioning to make their idea a reality. The more stuff you do, the more your voice is heard. That way, you play to support great ideas brought to the real world.

Twitter Sparkline Generator

Clipped from: ( share this clip ) "All amusement aside, this is kind of what Tufte originally thought of sparklines to be – a word-size graphic in the middle of a sentence – perhaps even more important when you’re restricted to 140 characters. Enjoy, you crazy tweeters.." -Read more select the above image.

Understanding Designer Developer Workflow

Clipped from: ( share this clip ) " The most appealing software applications developed today are produced by a close collaboration of designers and developers. Unfortunately, the existing development and design tools have been a barrier that keeps everyone from working with a productive workflow. As of late, rich Internet application (RIA) technologies such as Silverlight , WPF , Flex , and client-side HTML5/JavaScript have attempted to destroy this barrier with varying degrees of success." - Read more select the image above.

lovely ui #design

Clipped from: ( share this clip ) lovey ui is a blog curated by interactive designer, diana frurip. They take submissions so go do something amazing.

Bing to be Blackberry Default Search Engine and Map

Clipped from: ( share this clip ) The only "competition" to Google makes another move on the search front to claim the BlackBerry, but will it make a difference? Select the image for more.

MIX Online Redesigns and More #webdev

Clipped from: ( share this clip ) For sometime we have had a keen eye on the work that the MIX online team has been churning out. They seem to always be on the forefront of web development and design thinking, and if you can believe it this is coming out of Microsoft. We dig the simplification of the site and look forward to the great content to come from this underrated team, kudos. Make sure to check them out by selecting the image above for more. - Adolfo

The danger of buying Facebook fans

Clipped from: ( share this clip ) "If it sounds too good to be true, then listen to your instincts. Whatever you decide, make sure the ads are being run in your own account, no matter what excuse they give you. You’ve probably come across services that promise to deliver fans for just pennies each. (Or even cheaper!) That’s like saying you can buy a brand new iPod for a dollar. What’s the catch? Most of them can’t deliver, and most of the ones that do are offering you what’s effectively poison. Some reputable social advertising agencies like Epic Social can deliver you quality, but they are rare." - Select image above for entire story.