
Showing posts from November, 2009 Crowdsourced Photographers Marketplace

Nerd Stalker interview with Julian Cash, Geek Executive Officer of at the FailCon conference in San Francisco. Watch out Flickr and Corbis this new crowdsourced way of bookmarking photos could make a run for the money. Bookmark Images. Collect the best images from the web is a fun place to find and collect the best images from all over web. Catalog your favorite photos from flickr or other great websites. Show off the images you love and discover new images from people who share your taste. Share with friends Follow people who's taste you appreciate. Make friends with the people who love the images you collect and import. Create Collections. Enjoy other peoples collections By building your own image collections you can access images from across the net that inspire and thrill you with one simple click. The more images and collections you add, the more people will discover your collections and the artists that inspire you. Promote artists you appreciate Whe...

There Are More Dogs Than Kids? - Nerd Stalker #56

Interview with the CEO of Fido Factor, Justin O'Neill at this years FailCon conference in San Francisco. From the Fido Factor site: "The goal of Fido Factor is to: To make dog friendly policies the norm rather than the exception. It's our magical little dream that dogs will eventually be welcome everywhere! Provide dog owners with information on which places are dog friendly and how to visit each safely. Let the community determine which dog friendly spots are the best of the best. Here is what you can do on Fido Factor: Find local dog friendly restaurants, stores, bars, parks, lodging and attractions as well as pet stores and dog services! Use your iPhone or smartphone to find dog friendly locations on the go and submit reviews and add locations through our free iPhone/iPod Touch application. Learn important dog policy information for each location, e.g. permitted dog size, leash policy. Become a local ambassador and add to your city's dog...

Give Us Your Health Information - Nerd Stalker #55

Nerd Stalker interview with CEO of Caduces, Lydia Sugarman at this years FailCon conference in San Francisco. Caduces is in pre-release (Nerd Stalker scoop!) looking for a 2010 first quarter alpha launch. Caduces is looking to be the secure web application for you to store your families health information and history.