
Showing posts from January, 2014

Robot Turtles - Board Game Teaches Kids To Think Code

Nerd Stalker interview with Dan Shapiro inventor of Robot Turtles . Robot Turtles is a board game you play with your favorite 3-8 year old kids. It sneakily teaches the fundamentals of programming. Robot Turtles launched on Kickstarter, where it became the bestselling board game of all time. Which is pretty darn amazing. The Kickstarter campaign is over. 1,500 copies went up on the Make Magazine store and they sold out in 8 hours. Now there are a few copies at . For you Robot Turtle aficionados make sure to get the e-book here  and use the code " kickstarter " to get $5 off the ebook . We must admit that we secretly bought Robot Turtles under a private name so as to experience the whole fulfillment process like a general consumer would. We received it prior to the holidays despite the hot demand for the game. I sprung Robot Turtles on my six year old daughter who was thrilled with the game. In no time she ran through the basics t...

Big Idea Prize Winner Plans to Build Sustainable Businesses Through Co-op Model

We wrote a story in November of last year on a Sustainable Graduate School in San Francisco offering a "free ride" scholarship for a lucky person. Well, Presidio Graduate School , has chosen the winner - Hilary Abell . Hilary's idea is to create scalable co-op business network helping the lower income working adult.  Walt Pounds , angel investor and judge said: "Hilary's proposal was a clear winner for me.  Although I suspect cooperatives have many challenges, it appears that [Hilary's team] are experienced and committed. Well written application and justification with personal credentials included. Glad to have this one."  In our follow-up interview, listen to Hilary as she describes the idea that won her the scholarship valued at over $60,000.

The Nerd Stalker Show

Picks of the Week: Biometric headset increases game difficulty for angry players ( Stuart Robards | Gizmag ) Amazon Wants to Ship Your Package Before You Buy It on. via @PSFK ( Greg Besinger / WSJD ) Amazon Considering Online Pay-TV Service ( Sharma, Ramachandra and Clark | WSJD ) 13 Things You Can Actually Buy With #Bitcoin  ( Kevin Smith / Complex Tech ) Man Interrogated By FBI For Wearing Prescription Google Glass At The Movies ( Jim Edwards | Business Insider ) Twitter Gets Serious About Social Shopping  ( Jennifer Elias / Fast Company Labs ) Speed Round: "70,000 records hacked" claim turns out to be Google results ( Rob Beschizza | Boing Boing ) Motorola lowers price of bamboo Moto X, more natural finishes coming January 21st viA ( Chris Welsh | TheVerge ) ...

3D Printer World Expo Highlights the New Age of 3D Printing

Hey makers, there's another event to satisfy your palettes. The innaugural  3D Printer World Expo is coming January 31 through February 1 in Burbank, California. So much happening in the 3D printing world - with  cells , houses , and even  Jello . We interview Joe Micallef , Education Director for the 3D Printer World Expo, on what to expect at the 3D Printer World Expo.

Gadgets to Look Out for in 2014

Photo by Ruby Media Corporation for Finances Online Thanks to our friends at , our nerdy crew looks at the winners, contenders, game changers and even the clunkers of 2013 through the power of the infographic. The infographic covers the gadget categories of Smartphones, Tablets, Gaming Systems, Wearables, Other Gadgets, Mobile Apps and Mobile OS. Here are the criteria for each category and what they mean: 

Mobile and Cloud Trends for Consumers and Business in 2014

Photo by  Umberto Brayj What's 2014 going to be like for Mobile and Cloud? for Consumers? for Businesses. We have Eliot Sun , CEO of  kloudless , open up his tech fortune cookies for his take on mobile devices and cloud technology for consumers and businesses.  They are synonymous. Watch or listen as Eliot discusses the co-dependent nature of mobile devices and cloud technology in 2014.

Nerd Stalker Live: 2014 Mobile and Cloud Trends with Kloudless CEO, Eliot Sun

Join us live for 2014 Mobile and Cloud Trends where Eliot Sun of Kloudless will be discussing how mobile shapes the Cloud and how the Cloud will support mobile.

LOOP iPhone Case Unboxing & Review

Nerd Stalker review and unboxing of the LOOP case for the iPhone 5/5s.

The Nerd Stalker Show 1 of 2014

Nerd Stalker Picks of the Week: Snapchat Says It’s Improving Its App, Service To Prevent Future User Data Leaks |   ( Matthew Panzarino  | TechCrunch) revamps tech page( aka @allthingsd ) as competitor ReCode launches (Roger Yu / USA TODAY)  Seven UX Resolutions for App Design in 2014 |    (Drew Davidson |UX Magazine )  Google acquired Bump -- developer of an NFC-like file sharing app…   (  Richard Lawler  | Engadget) Zappos getting rid of titles and managers   ( Max Nisen | Business Insider)  Cool #Japan #Design : Lacquerware Speakers via @nhk_world… Speed Round: Microsoft Windows market share analysis: people don’t care anymore   ( Brad Reed | BGR ) Interesting read. Did Your Job Exi...

Learn Hype with Lynda Author Jake Ströh

Nerd Stalker interviews Jake Ströh the author of " Up and Running with Hype ". Jake enjoys the balance between practitioner and educator. He operates an interactive design and development company, Lake Effect Multimedia , LLC, where he manages and directs web-based projects that focus on brand-centric development and integration for regional and national clients. He also teaches motion graphics, web design, and digital storytelling at his alma mater, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, where he enjoys educating young talent on the latest creative technology and career trends.