
Showing posts from July, 2016

Watch The Nerd Stalker Show Now

Adolfo & Greg Talks This Week's Tech - App-less World, Smart Luggage and more Picks of the Week: The Golden Age Of Open Protocols Mich. police 3D-printed murder victim's fingers to unlock phone iOS opens up equals the death of apps? Amazon Launchpad Announces #Kickstarter Collection   Speed Round : Modobag: World's First Motorized, Rideable Luggage Your Vanity Mirror Becomes Alexa A Robotic Suitcase That Follows You Around Like a Puppy The UN Wants You to Solve World Hunger Via Accelerator Model Tips of the Week: Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined 7 Incredibly Useful Facebook Hacks You Probably Didn't Know About Lumen: Magic Auto Brightness Based on Screen Contents 6 Free Online Tools for Small Business Sponsor/Partners/Events: Dreamforce ’16 | October 4-7 2016 | San Francisco, CA Mileage Tracking App | Automatic, Easy, Smart Mileage Log | MileIQ Wine Stalker with

The Sunday AM Coffee Snippet: Headphone Cord-cutting Gains Momentum in US

NPD  Says Bluetooth Headphones Account for 54% of US Sales  Wireless headphones from beats According to The  NPD Group 's Retail Tracking Service, Bluetooth headphone revenue overtook non-Bluetooth for the first time in June accounting for 54 percent of headphone dollar sales and 17 percent of unit sales in the U.S. We give a hint above who is the category brand leader (wink). See the brand leaders in this category below.

The Weekend Review: A Digital Marketer's Summer Reading List

Anthony Yodice of  Blue Fountain Media  Shares his Marketing Must Reads for the Summer © Edite Artmann | -  Woman reading at the sea Summertime is synonymous with rest and relaxation. It’s the best time of year to take a much needed vacation, unwind on the weekends, and unplug from work when you have the chance. That being said, unfortunately, the summer season for marketers doesn’t mean you suddenly have all the time in the world to do other things, but it’s important to take part in activities that you enjoy. If reading is one of these activities than you already know that summer is a great time of year to pick up a good book. Whether you’re at the beach, commuting to work, or have time before bed, diving into a book is a great way to reduce stress, stimulate your brain, and learn something new. For digital marketers, chances are your idea of a good book may differ from the average reader. If you work in the industry, than you know how ...

The Follow Friday Paloozas

#FF Summaries from Our Retweeters and Followers The Follow Friday Paloozas Enjoy our Tweets from our Retweeters & Followers. Have a great weekend! - The Nerd Stalker Team

Onevest Becomes The Largest Network For Entrepreneurs

Onvest Acquires Founder Dating - Now the Largest Network for Entreprenuers Photo courtesy of Onevest Onevest, technology products provider to founders,investors in the entrepreneurship community, announced today the acquisition of FounderDating to create one of the largest and leading networks of entrepreneurs and advisors, in combination with Onevest‘s subsidiary, CoFoundersLab. We became very aware of FounderDating with SF New Tech back in 2010. Great organization.

Kickstarter Unboxed: Your Vanity Mirror Becomes Alexa

Perseus Mirrors Launches Smart Mirror on Kickstarter Today Everyone’s favorite topic? Themselves, of course!  So it’s no surprise that a recent poll found that the average person spends more than 38 minutes in front of the mirror every day. Perseus Mirrors , a startup based in New York, is claiming that they can help users look and feel better by making the most of this time. The team has recently announced plans to release the world's first consumer focused smart mirror. This device features a built in display and wifi connection, allowing users to display relevant information and to stream audio and video straight to their mirror.

The Humpday Must Watch: Star Trek Tech - Real or Future?

NASA Engineer's Review the Technology That Makes Star Trek Wired Interviews NASA Engineer's on Star War Tech (photo courtesy of Conde Nast Entertainment) Thanks to Conde Nast Entertainment for this. Holodeck, Warp speed, deflector shields, teletransportation – what’s real and what’s not in  Star Trek ? WIRED gets those answers from NASA’s JPL engineers Brian Muirhead and Anita Sangupta in a interview on The Scene 's Wired Channel.  Enjoy your humpday and check it out.

Nerd Stalker Tech News Update

Adolfo Talks This Week's Tech Verizon Yahoo acquisition. Wikileaks Qustodio vs. Koalasafe Justice League and Defenders Movie trailer Neato, Roomba and Dyson Eye Amazon Prime, Echo, Music, Video, Stick and more...

Frogglez - Kids Swim Goggles Review

The Future of Goggles is Frogglez, we love these things and give them a dad and daughter 2 thumbs up! The Most Comfortable, Award Winning Swim Goggles. "As a global leader in the kids' products market we exceed all safety standards, CPSIA, Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act standards, as well as California Prop 65 requirements. Our products are latex free, Phthalates-free, Lead-free, Formaldehyde-free and are continuously tested to ensure the safety of our children. Love the hassle-free design of our brand and enjoy the unsurpassed safety." - Frogglez website.

The Visual Phenomenon That is Pokemon Go

We Scrape The Twitterverse of all the Interesting Places in the World that Pokemon Exist Pokemon Go Wants You To Explore the World (photo courtesy of Niantic Labs) One of the fascinating  things we see in Pokemon Go is where the player find Pokemon. We stalk players on the twitterverse find Pokemon in the most famous places around the world. Enjoy the montage!

Japanese Tech Pops in SF This Weekend

The Interactive Summit hosted by J-POP SUMMIT 2016 will introduce upcoming Japanese technology through an exposition, guest speakers and panel discussions J-POP SUMMIT 2016 , one of the world’s biggest Japanese pop culture events will once again celebrate the latest in Japanese tech-innovations through their Interactive Summit on Saturday and Sunday, July 23rd and 24th from 11am - 5pm at Fort Mason Center, located at 2 Marina Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94123. The annual event bridges the informational gap between Japan and the U.S. to explore the Japanese tech scene and what Silicon Valley is currently missing. 

The Weekend Review: Beware of Reptile Alien Thieves - They're Unstable

STRYKA is a Sci-Fi Short Film Starring Aimee Mullins and Rupert Friend Thanks to Conde Nast Entertainment for the content for this review. STRYKA is a wonderful sci-fi comedy short based in near-futuristic Brooklyn, about a Reptile Alien thief called STRYKA. STRYKA, played by   Aimee Mullins  ( Cremaster ), is going through a mid-thief crisis as she is growing a bit tired of fellow partner thief played by   Rupert Friend  ( Homeland ). You see STRYKA telling her inner struggle to a robot therapist about leaving the current partner for a more lucrative theft partnership. This short is  directed by  Emily Carmichael . and is live now on the The Scene's ARS Technica channel . Check it out!

Vimtag Wants You to Capture People Capturing Pokemon

Vimtag   wants people to capture pictures of people playing Pokémon for a giveaway contest Vimtag , a leading provider of IP Cameras, launched a contest challenging people to send in pictures of people playing Pokémon similar to the ones above.  The giveaway started on July 18 and ends on  July 29 at 11:59 EST .

The Follow Friday Update

#FF Summaries from Our Retweeters and Followers The Follow Friday Update Enjoy Tweets from our #FollowFriday list. Have a great weekend! - The Nerd Stalker Team

Interview: 5 Ways To Simplify Your Day with Johan Gunnars

Johan Gunnars Explains In-depth How to Simplify Your Day with the Simpliday App Simpliday App centralizes  Earlier this month, Johan Gunnars shared his advice on " 5 Ways to Simplify Your Day ." Recently, we sat down with him and did a deep dive on the five ways people need to simplify their day to make room for more balance, sanity and happiness in their lives. Johan "talks the talk" and "walks the walk." This comes from years of being an entrepreneur and consulting growing companies. Johan also shares how his Simpliday App helps bring balance, productivity and sanity to your digital life. Check out his interview below!

The Evolution of Gaming

Ed Fries discusses the evolution of gaming as a reflection of his career Ed Fries discusses his career through the evolution of gaming (photo courtesy of Casual Connect) They say reflection is appreciation. For most of Ed Fries career, like a lot of us, we have been working on projects, products or businesses which may not have been in the sweet spot of our passion but we were able to reap rewards of timing and good fortune. Ed Fries' career started in gaming at a young age but when hired by Microsoft in the 80's, he was put mostly on popular projects like Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word. But in the end,  he left the cash cow business of Microsoft Office and went to run the Microsoft Game Studio where  he was put in his passion sweet spot - gaming.  We were at the 2016  Casual Connect USA's Industry Insight track to see Ed's talk where he takes you from the first game in 1962 to the current uptick of mobile gaming. Check out the abridged version and the f...

The Humpday Must Watch: A Real-life Iron Man Glove Does Exist

Wired Tries Out the Ultimate Maker Iron Man Glove Iron Man Glove replicated by serious maker (photo courtesy of The Scene/Wired) What happens when you turn a maker on to a high power laser? Thanks to Conde Nast Entertainment's The Scene for a fun look at all the things that are possible when wielding the powerful Iron Man glove with a blue 3W laser(3000x more powerful than a laser pointer). The Iron Man glove was designed and built by Patrick Priebe of Laser Gadgets .  WIRED tested a real-life Iron Man glove. Here’s a look at all the everyday things (balloons, lighting a match, lighting a candle, etc.) that they subjected to this powerful glove. Check out the video!

Learn The Inner Workings of the Game Development Industry

Casual Connect USA Starts Today Casual Connect USA Starts Today The 2016 Casual Connect USA opens today in San Francisco.  Casual Connect USA is about matching the creativity of the games industry with new media innovation and investment. There will be many talented speakers at Casual Connect USA 2016, and today we’re highlighting some of the  Industry Insights track speakers . The Nerd Stalker team will be learning the inner workings and current trends of the games industry from those who know it best and will be reporting on this later. The Industry Insights track is designed to help people in all aspects of the gaming industry create more potent strategies with global and region-specific insights. Check them out below!

The Weekend Edition

We Believe In Tech, Startups, Design & You The Weekend Edition by Nerd Stalker Articles that caught the Nerd Stalker crew's eye from the last week.

The Weekend Review - Old School Mac Vs. New School Mac

Wired Premieres Series 'Tech Guts' Shows How Far Apple Desktop Technology Has Evolved in Three Plus Decades Mac: 1983 to 2016 (Courtesy of Wired) Thanks to Conde Nast Entertainment for the preview. WIRED's new digital video series  Tech Guts  tears down two different pieces of beloved mac tech: one classic and one current. In the premiere episode,  Wired presents Apple’s IIe and 27” iMac. Watch as they pull them apart, compare them and offer a few cultural details, stats and tech bits long the way. A quick view of how far desktop technology has come in 3+ decades. Give it a view!

Meet the 2016 Casual Connect USA Indie Prize Finalists from South America

Casual Connect  Announces the 2 Entries for Indie Prize from Argentina Meet the 2 amazingly talented finalists of  ‪#‎ IndiePrize‬  USA 2016 r epresenting the Argentina  at Casual Connect on July 18-19 in San Francisco.  The Indie Prize area is a special area where you can meet Indie game developers from around the world at the  ‪#‎ CasualConnect‬  San Francisco show! For a full list   of indie games, go to .  We have all their videos embedded here!

The Follow Friday Update

#FF Summaries from Our Retweeters and Followers Enjoy Tweets from our #FollowFriday list. Have a great weekend! - The Nerd Stalker Team

Is Your City on the Most Malware Infected List?

Tampa, St. Louis, and Orlando top the list of 'most infected cities for 1H of 2016 24 Hour US Malware Map (courtesy of Enigma Software Group) According to the Enigma Software Group (ESG) Research team, US malware has dropped over 47% for the first half of 2016. Despite the drop in overall infections, there still are millions of computers nationwide getting infections every day. ESG wanted to look at which cities in the U.S. had the most number of infections in the first half of 2016 and looked at the total number of infections in the 150 largest cities in the U.S. As you might expect, the cities with the largest population had the most number of infections. More people means more computers, which means more infections. So cities like New York and Los Angeles and Chicago topped the list.  ESG wanted to compare the actual infection rate (at least among those who use SpyHunter), so we divided the number of infections detected in each city by its population. That gives a b...

Get Ready for the Rise of the ‘SMART-UP’

Leading M&A Firm Magister Advisors Issues Exit Guidance for AI Startups Hello AI startups. Listen up. Magister Advisors, the leading global M&A advisory firm to the technology industry, has issued the following analysis, pinpointing the inversion of conventional M&A ‘laws’ for AI companies.- (1)  Pre-revenue AI companies being acquired for more than $2M per employee; (2)  Tech industry experiences its first 'Deep Blue moment' as AI and machine learning attract buyer premiums; (3)  AI firms without revenues are more valuable than those with, as buyers look for pristine competitive advantage

Meet the 2016 Casual Connect USA Indie Prize Finalists from the Middle East and Africa

Casual Connect  Announces the 7 Entries for Indie Prize from Middle East and Africa Meet the 7 amazingly talented finalists of  ‪#‎ IndiePrize‬  USA 2016  Representing the Middle East and Africa  at Casual Connect on July 18-19 in San Francisco.  The Indie Prize area is a special area where you can meet Indie game developers from around the world at the  ‪#‎ CasualConnect‬  San Francisco show! For a full list   of indie games, go to .  We have all their videos embedded here!

Meet the 2016 Casual Connect USA Indie Prize Finalists from Asia and Oceania

Casual Connect  Announces the 14 Entries for Indie Prize from Asia & Oceania Meet the 14 amazingly talented finalists of  ‪#‎ IndiePrize‬  USA 2016  Representing Asia ‬  and Oceania  at Casual Connect on July 18-19 in San Francisco.  The Indie Prize area is a special area where you can meet Indie game developers from around the world at the  ‪#‎ CasualConnect‬  San Francisco show! For a full list   of indie games, go to .  We have all their videos embedded here!

The Humpday Watch: Ghostbusters Director Plays Real or Fake

Wired Has Ghostbusters Director Paul Feig To Play Real or Fake with Famous Ghosts Do you know the ghosts Minny Quay, the Chartreuse Lady, or the Greenbriar ghost? Thanks to Conde Nast Entertainment for sharing with us Nerd Stalkers.   The WIRED channel at Conde Nast Entertainment's  The Scene  asks Ghostbusters "Answer the Call" director Paul Feig. Test your knowledge of ghost lore. Check out this entertaining piece!

Meet the 2016 Casual Connect USA Indie Prize Finalists from Europe

Casual Connect Announces the 31 Entries for Indie Prize from Europe Meet the 31 amazingly talented finalists of  ‪#‎ IndiePrize‬  USA 2016  Representing Europe ‬  at Casual Connect on July 18-19 in San Francisco.  The Indie Prize area is a special area where you can meet Indie game developers from around the world at the  ‪#‎ CasualConnect‬  USA show! We have all their videos embedded here. For the full list checkout .  Check them out!

Insights: 5 Myths about Artificial Intelligence

Robert Atkinson of Think Tank ITIF Talks about Current Myths of Artificial Intelligence © Agsandrew | -  Emergence of Artificial Intelligence If you are a believer in a1st and 4th of   Kranzberg’s Laws  of Technology where " Technology is neither good nor bad; nor is it neutral." and " Although technology might be a prime element in many public issues, nontechnical factors take precedence in technology-policy decisions." These laws could apply how one could look at  Artificial Intelligence or AI.   In the news recently, from Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk citing the grave fears of AI development, we look at the opposite side of the coin, that slowing down technological development of Artificial Intelligence could hurt our society in the benefits that it can bring us. We had a great opportunity to talk with ITIF President Robert  Atkinson , who released a report which debunks these and other prevailing myths  about A...