
Showing posts from April, 2012

An HTML5 Media Center, Senses

Download MP3 Adolfo Foronda of Nerd Stalker interviews Pablo Neirotti, the creator of Senses, an HTML5 Media Center. For more information on what Pablo is up to see below: ArtPulse Pablo's current projects: Senses Buglets  an HTML 5 game - currently being rewritten, what you see online now is an engine prototype. Pixelsize Artise is the current platform for Senses and Buglets. Pixelsize (Pablo and two other collaborators) will be a new Object-Oriented platform and product that is somewhat related to Senses. The new platform will replace Artise on all current projects, anyone who is enthusiastic about Object-Oriented development will, "drop their jaws when they see it" as Pablo said. Follow Pablo on Twitter: @PabloNeirotti

Forget Windows Phone Microsoft is an iOS and Android app company.

listen to ‘Forget Windows Phone Microsoft is an iOS and Android app company.’ on Audioboo First off sorry if the audio quality was all crackly. The gist of this post is that I've come to realization that Microsoft's Mobile business is not going to be driven by Windows Phone (which I think is DOA) but rather that it will be no more than an app developer for iOS and Android. You may have noticed some Microsoft apps on iOS as of late like One Note and some bits of Office, I've heard that anything that will be on iOS will also be built for Android as well. I think this will be a huge part of Microsofts business go forward and strategically it makes a ton of sense, the question is if the internal battles will allow for this to progress or will they be stubborn and kill the effort?

SF Japan Night Recap

Share “ Sleipnir (@fenrir_official) is a free web browser. You can access their own bookmarks from different devices.  #sfnt SF New Tech an hour ago Reply Retweet Share Sleipnir web browser. 30 million downloads! #sfnt Intrax Internships an hour ago Reply Retweet Share Introduction to Sleipnir 3 for Windows Web Browser fenrir4happiness 15 days ago Share Sleipnir 3 Web browser for Windows free software download Fully customizable web browser Sleipnir 2 Features of Sleipnir 3 for Windows Rich Full Screen Mode Sleipnir 3 for Windows isn't just powe... Fenrir-inc Share piaScore: iPad app showing your music; flip the page with head movements! #sfnt Mark Parncutt an hour ago Reply Retweet Share I have no idea why Mozart is on ...