
Showing posts from June, 2013

Startup Blog Insights with Taffy Williams - Cash is King in Startups

We are happy to again be talking to Taffy Williams this month about startups, leadership and business creation. We get some in-depth thoughts from Taffy about topics from his blog -- Startup Blog as well as articles at This month, the topic is cash. Taffy wrote recently for the called  “ 6 Ways to Stretch Cash Reserves ”  and  “ 4 Actions that Result in Improved Revenue Models ” and which provide ways you can change the world and environment around you.

Is That a MyoLink Sensor On Your Head? Want One?

Nerd Stalker interviews the co-founder of Somaxis, Alexander Grey at the San Francisco Bulletproof Conference. Somaxis has created a sensor that adheres to your body they call the Myolink, it transmit various data to your mobile device. The Myolink is a fraction of the cost of what a device like this costs even now, we think you biohackers are going to love this.

A Social Network for the Common Man - That's Kaleio

When you think of a professional social network you think of LinkedIn, right? But, let's say you are a Firefighter. Important job. Would you be on LinkedIn? Nope. Let's face it, the 250 million people on LinkedIn are not in the trades, public services or firefighting. We interview Jim Riley, founder of Kaleio(Ka-Lay-Oh), who has created the first professional Social Network for everyone else. In Jim's estimate, over 3 Billion others are in the worldwide workforce. Jim talks like a tech 'Robin Hood' as he is fighting for a better tech world for the everyday person.  He has been a serial entrepreneur for many years in other industries and fields. His "outsiders" lens has helped this first venture into technology for Jim. Listen to our podcast as we talk with Jim about Kaleio and starting a tech startup with a distributed team with little or no experience.

Biohacking Alzheimer's with Steve Fowkes

Nerd Stalker interview with Steve Fowkes of at the Bulletproof Conference. We talk brain hacking to fight Alzheimers, Mercury levels and more.

Game Developer's Time for Global Influence is Now: Hail Kinetic Damage & the Unity Gaming Engine

In this podcast, we talk with a Mobile Developer Specialist fresh from Apple's WWDC and what the "hubbub" in gaming that Apple announced last week. We are pleased to talk with Todd Barker , Chief Creative Director at Cannae (Ka-nai) Global Systems who experienced the WWDC event beginning with waiting in lines overnight to make it into the main theater for the opening keynote event to finding some interesting Indie Game developers along the way. Listen to Todd's insights into Apple’s creation of an experiential eco-system.

Blockly - Learn Programming with Digital Blocks

Nerd Stalker interview with Google Software Engineer, Neil Fraser at O'reilly Maker Faire. Blockly is a web-based, graphical programming editor. Users can drag blocks together to build an application. No typing required.

Tips on Automating Business Processes from Dustin Snell - Network Automation

When we was approached to do an interview about "automation software" we were thinking, "really? batch-processing?" But, as we researched the interview, we were totally surprised. Background processes really don't get the love they deserve. Here's the problem,  CIOs are saying "do more with less" because of budget pressures spurred on by the uncertainty in today's market.   On top of that,  IT staff are spending 30% of their time carrying out basic tasks and are growing frustrated with the lack of time left to focus on transformational work. Often off-shoring or Process Automation is the solution. In this interview, we discuss these issues with Dustin Snell , President and CEO of Network Automation who specializes in scalable process automation software.    They save companies potentially billions of dollars every year and if you are a share-holder you should be grateful. Give this a listen.

Pinoccio - Connect anything to the Web.

Nerd Stalker interview with the Co-Founder of Pinoccio Sally Carson at O'reilly Maker Faire. "What is Pinoccio? A Wireless Microcontroller It’s the brains of your project. No cables, no cords. Pinoccio talks over wi-fi and runs on a rechargeable LiPo battery. It’s also Arduino-compatible. A Set of Online Tools Build your first project in minutes. Easily build projects that talk to the Web. Control your project from a Web page. Focus on your idea, not all that other stuff. Hardware + software = easy An API A Software Developer’s Dream A URL for every Pinoccio board. REST Endpoints, WebHooks, and WebSockets make bridging hardware to the Web super easy." - Pinoccio Web Site

FrisbeeCam - Yes It's A Camera On A Frisbee

Have you ever wondered what the world looks like from the perspective of a frisbee? Well now you have the answer, Frisbeecam , and the best part is they share the plans how you can build your own too. Nerd Stalker interview at O'reilly Bay Area Maker Faire.

Social Time TV: Social Network Battle for the Iron Throne

Well, Sean and Greg are at it again. After a long hiatus, Social Time TV is back again. In this episode, Sean Charles (aka SocialMediaSean) and Greg Viloria (aka SocialGreg) talk about the big four Social Networks: Facebook, Google+, Twitter and LinkedIn, give some of the latest insight into each one and who they pick as the throne holder. Give it a view or a listen!

Robots and Latte Art

Photo Courtesy of Jennifer Morrow How about some robotic latte art? Our Nerd Stalking eye caught some video of great Robot-ware including some science turned Latte Art maker and how robots see the 2013 Bay Area Maker Faire . Enjoy the video and if you want a latte art maker, you can build one here ! Thanks Oleskiy!

Music Tames the Savage Mind

We were excited to attend the 13th SF MusicTech Summit at Hotel Kabuki in the culture rich SF Japantown. One of our favorite sessions was Music and Health. Will Hensley , formerly of the band Londonbeat led a discussion on how each panelist is using music with health. View how Mickey Hart of the Grateful Dead "bridges rhythm, space and time" with the Rhythm and Brain Project .