GraphDive Provides Deep Dive into Your Website Users Social Graph

We talk with Shahram Seydin-Noor, Co-Founder and CEO of GraphDive - a social analytics and interest graphing company. Shahram has a colorful background from a high tech lawyer at Wilson-Sonsini to an investment banker at Goldman-Sachs. He brought previous start-up experience at Nextbio where he was the CFO to start-up his own venture with his technical co-founder Sina Sohangir. Listen to Shahram as he discusses GraphDive's vision of helping websites serve users better and his thoughts on start-ups.

"we have two different analytical window on who your users are...and taking these insights and using them to personalize a users experience on your website"

"We provide analytical insights and people pay for that based on API calls which are informative"

"Startups are a lot of fun and also difficult...finding a co-founder you can lean on is a big deal"

Shahram discusses the GraphDive and its aspiring leadership position helping websites be more relavant to users. GraphDive is in a closed beta, meaning invitation only for now. With a bunch of talented PhDs behind them, they are focused on making their product better in its initial stages and trying to listen to the market to see how they can take their social analytics product further into the market. GraphDive has a great opportunity to help brands and products connect to their users in a more relevant way.


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