Ad:Tech SF Starts Today: 14 Trends to Look for in 2014
The 2014 Ad:Tech San Francisco kicks off today and Nerdstalker is covering. Noah Elkin, Ph.D., is Executive Editor and Chief Evangelist at eMarketer gave the keynote and shared 14 trends to look for in the digital advertising space in the years to come. If you can't come to Ad:Tech, you can watch ad:tech SF keynotes online with free livestreams provided as a courtesy by Flightdeck. Check out the 14 points below.
Here is the quick synopsis of the 14 Trends:
- Consumers spending more time On-line
- Consumers are spending more money online - digital is now a largest part of our day, 12% growth in 2014
- Expect double digit growth in ad spend
- Google and FB are taking 50% of Ad revenue
- Expect $7B in Social ad spend
- More of us are going native 73% share of US pub offering native advertising
- We are increasing in automation - 64% share of us digital display advertising that could be bought automatically
- We have a growing need for speed - 22% share of US digital display ad purchase in real-time
- We are on the right track in terms of attribution
- Measurement - 64% Marketers using last touch and or first touch metrics
- Time on phones - 488% growth in daily time spent from 2010 - 2013
- $18B spent in mobile ads
- Path to success for companies is building a piece of the puzzle at a time
- Prepare for two key inflections - 2015 Mobile ad spending overtakes desktop ; 2018 will surpass TV for the first time.
Bottom line: Optimism for a Stronger and Faster Industry