The Trident Cyclops Series case for maximum iPhone protection - Review #tridentcase

Nerd Stalker received a unique and very rugged iPhone case from the Trident company. The Cyclops series iPhone case is military tested and provides ridiculously tough protection. We appreciate the eco-friendly packaging for the Trident. The case comes in multiple colors, we received the black case from the Cyclops series. It comes in two pieces one that holds the phone itself and the other that basically covers the screen and snaps into the base part of the case.
We tested by dropping our iPhone5 4 feet onto cement in the case and phone held up fine. Once your phone is in the case it is really really in the case, in fact we had a bit of a challenge getting it out of the case. Another issue we had was that we access the headphone and mute switch and port regularly and the Cyclops flaps kept getting in our way. Now to be fair this is intentional and this issue would only arise for people who are constantly accessing this particular items on a very frequent basis. That being said the case really did live up to all its claims dust filters, vibration protection, rain and wind protection, antiskid, built-in screen protector, device controls imports protected, a lanyard loop, and the two layers of protection. For anyone who needs to take their fun into an outdoor heavy use situation such as construction or other active outdoor worker/enthusiast scenario this case is really for you.
The Cyclops retails on the Trident website for $39.95 and comes in multiple colors. Don't forget trident also offers a slew of covers for various mobile devices go to for more information.