Startup Blog Insights - How Agile Entrepreneurs Can Optimize Time

This month, we take another journey into Agile thinking. We will go in-depth into an article on titled “4 Ways Agile Entrepreneurs Optimize Timewith Taffy Williams, Examiner writer and entrepreneur, and the co-founder & CEO of Colonial TDC. Taffy gives examples from his experience of Agile ways of thinking and insights on how optimize your valuable startup time. Give it a listen or a view!

Thinking Agile Can Save You Time

"Recognizing as times changes and situations change, we have to change...maybe there are alternatives to something you may want"

"Even if someone told you it won't work, it doesn't mean it won't work, it just means you need to think differently and be sure you monitor it"

"in software, fail often and fail you can rapidly move through the process"


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