SQUARE WAVE | the 5 Dimensional Mesmerizing Kinetic Spinner

Kickstarter Campaign Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/... Square wave is a unique sculpture inspired by the Fibonacci sequence, the basic structure that makes up every living thing. Just spin it to get suriprised by a series of mind-bending optical illusions. Square wave is made up of 21 metal bends which curve and mutate unexpectedly with the introduction of energy. The repetition of identical elements is fundamental for the creation of complex fluid structures. Designed in the UK and made in Italy, combining iconic natural forms with mathematical formulae. Each bend, curl, and material is precisely calibrated to create a seamlessly integrated mechanism. Square Wave was designed by the award winning artist Ivan Black. His work reflects a fascination and kinship with the mathematical patterns found everywhere in nature e.g. waves, leaves, shells, the human form etc. Tending towards the minimalist in design, his works reveal how order silently governs our seemingly disorderly world. Square Wave wants to be the first item of the collection Ivan Black x Atellani. We have the aim of combining beautiful pieces of kinetic art with precision mechanical machining.


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