Don't you hate it when you order takeout and besides all the containers, there are stacks of servietttes and half a dozen knives and forks that you don't need? The Eco-Agents in New York City did. This group's main preoccupation is saving the Amazon Rainforest, but are also "involved in personal and group discussions about creating responsible environmental consciousness towards nature in particular when it comes to plastic and paper waste." They have started a campaign called eco-to-go, where customers inform the takeout joint that they want nothing but the food in its containers, no napkins or forks or other waste.
I've noticed that certain takeout chains get this already, asking if customers need condiments or cutlery. Congratulations to Eco-Agents for trying to make this more common.
I suggest that they might go the next step of suggesting that people bring in their own containers to avoid wasting cardboard or polystyrene, (like they do at Bring Your Own.Org) but it is a start. ::Eco-Agents
I've noticed that certain takeout chains get this already, asking if customers need condiments or cutlery. Congratulations to Eco-Agents for trying to make this more common.
I suggest that they might go the next step of suggesting that people bring in their own containers to avoid wasting cardboard or polystyrene, (like they do at Bring Your Own.Org) but it is a start. ::Eco-Agents