The New How - A Must Read if you can get past the academia.

Have you ever read one of those books you know was packed with critical information only to realize you retained only a fraction of it? This is what happened to me in this book due in part to a tendency for the heavy use of academic corporate lexicon as opposed to a more every persons conversational digestible tone. This is a shame as the critical lessons in The New How could reach so many more, much like author’s Jason Fried and Tony Hsieh have successfully done.

That opinion aside it was an amazing feat to chronicle detailed business (mainly enterprise) lessons both successful and failed, dissect them in turn produce a framework for successful strategy creation. The artwork is very well done, (nice to see an author who considers design) it did enhance the experience and retention of some points. The latter part of the book is where things really shine, this is where we do get that conversational tone from Nilofer that I wish would have been present from page 1.

I assume this book was intended for academia or an upper level executive (CEO) who prefers reading books of that kind, and that the rest of us were not the targeted demographic. But again there is much to glean from this book no matter where your title falls upon the corporate food chain. Read this book, then read it again, then again that’s what I'll be doing.


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