Noble Brewer Brings Home Brews to Your Cave

Craft brew clubs have been around a while but a home brew club? That is exactly what Claude Burns has created in Noble Brewer. Noble Brewer is a new web service that will bring home brews to your table. You are probably asking "What's the big deal?" Well, home brewers can brew a few cases at a time and that is Claude's secret sauce. Listen to Claude as he tells you how Noble Brewer will bring home brewed award winning beer to thousands.

Beer in the Mail is Pretty Awesome

"We feature award winning amateur beers you never had. You won't find these beers in local bars, local bottle shops, these are exclusive to us"
"We focus on the brewer and how they came up with the beer"
"We focus on education..our recipes for beers, proper glasses to use, etc"

SocialGreg's Uptake

This is a great deal especially for the home brewer who dreams of getting their "award" beer to public but don't have the time and resources to go big time. Noble Brewer vets the mass production facilities and takes care of the licensing as well. Great deal, I would say. Check out more at the Noble Brewer website.


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