IEEE DIY Project Accepting Entries Now

Students, get your maker shoes strapped on. The Institute of Electrical Electronic Engineers (IEEE) latest initiative to support the community-at-large of engineers and makers, opened the IEEE DIY Project last month. The IEEE DIY Project is a competition that is asking students to solve life's problems, present a project that they have created at school or during their free time to a microsite developed by IEEELast year, 305 projects were submitted from around the world and the grand prize was awarded to Gaurav Gautam for his Wirelessly Operated Hand Glove Robot. Whether it is robotics, wearable technology, software, hardware, or an alternative energy device, all real projects are accepted. We interview John Cohn, IEEE & IBM Fellow and contest evangelista on this contest and why it is important to the maker community. check it out!

"I love the maker movement and I loved the fact that IEEE was trying to be a part of it"

Participants in the #IEEEDIY Project contest will a chance to win Amazon gift cards for the following amounts: 1st Place - $500, 2nd Place - $250, 3rd Place - $100, 4th and 5th - $50. The contest ends December 7. Let the games begin!


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