Vetpreneurs Make

Score releases stats on Veteran owned businesses

Infographic by Score

Happy Veteran's Day and congratulations to the vets who own businesses. The crew at Nerd Stalker thanks and salutes you! Based on stats released by Score, US Veterans make <Fill in the blank>. Check the stats on Vets and their business acumen below:

As of 2015, America’s 21.4 million veterans own 9.2 percent of all U.S. firms:
  • 20 percent of all veteran-owned firms have employees.
  • Collectively, these firms employ 5.8 million people, and make $1.1 trillion in sales.
  • Veterans with 20+ years of service have higher rates of self-employment, and officers are more likely to be self-employed.
Veterans tend to work in technical industries, with the top five being:
  • Professional, scientific and technical services: 16.9 percent
  • Construction: 15.5 percent
  • Repair, maintenance and other services: 9.9 percent
  • Real estate: 8.9 percent
  • Retail: 8.1 percent
Most vetpreneurs rely on themselves to fund their businesses:
  • 69.2 percent use personal or family savings and assets.
  • 12.9 percent use credit cards or home equity loans.
  • 9.8 percent use business loans from financial institutions.
  • 1.9 percent use business loans from family or friends.
  • 1.2 percent use government guaranteed/originated loans.
Helpful business resources for veterans include:
  • SBA Boots to Business
  • Department of Veteran Affairs
  • Office of Veterans Business Development
  • Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC)

Since 1964, SCORE has helped more than 10 million aspiring entrepreneurs. Each year, SCORE’s 10,000+ volunteer business experts provide 350,000+ free small business mentoring sessions, workshops and educational services to clients in 300+ chapters nationwide. In 2015, SCORE volunteers provided 2.2+ million hours to help create more than 45,000 jobs and 55,000 small businesses.


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