Product Test: cnct IntelliPLUG smart plug

We test the affordable cnct IntelliPLUG

Photo courtesy of cnct

We tested the cnct intelliPLUG and paired app on our iPhone 6s. cnct, is a startup from Irvine, CA, which introduced the intelliPLUG smart AC plug almost 30 days ago.  The Wi-Fi-enabled smart plug allows users to control their lights, appliances and any "plugged-in" device directly from their phone or tablet, anywhere in the world. intelliPLUG features full iOS, Android and Amazon Alexa functionality so users can turn on/off plugs, set timers for devices and schedule plugs to turn on/off automatically. The Indiegogo campaign which has exceeded the funding goal of $25,000 USD has new perks like the 6 for $60 pack which is now available. Check out our SocialGreg's review.

SocialGreg's Uptakes

We tested the intelliPLUG using three lights (250W, 650W and 1000W). Our intention is to use this in our studio for light control during setup.

Affordable and Smart

Claims to be the most affordable smart plug on the market at less than half of the price of other brands, intelliPLUG and at the perk prices of 6 for $60, which makes it $10 a seems to be the most affordable. Smart? It sure seems to be with easy setup, plug naming assignments and scheduling features. Using it manually will allow you to turn on lights remotely from your car before you enter the house.

Easy to setup

The setup process was very easy as long you remember your wireless network password. Once set up the user-interface was very straight-forward. There is a scheduling mode called "scenes" which allow you to program the time you want something to come on, like your coffee-maker, for example. You can set the days which you want the light to come on. We did not test the Alexa implementation but you can check out someone who has reviewed that here

Some things to think about

The size of the intelliPLUG is somewhat big in diameter so ganging two intelliPLUGs on a duplex outlet is not possilble. But a small plug, like that of a table lamp, can fit below it. We recommend a power strip if more than one intelliPLUG is required. We did not push the limit of current on this device (<10A). If this plug is used on a motor or other current surging equipment, you will need to contact cnct. Based on their fund raising levels, the Google Home and IFTTT integration perks have been turned on but Apple Homekit will come in the future.

Special Nerd Stalker Perk

The Nerd Stalker crew has been presented with a special perk for our readership. Check out the 4 for $40 perk exclusive to Nerd Stalker readers.

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Unknown said…
There is no explanation of how the timer function works or how to setup.

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