How A Botched Email Invite Convinced Me To Sign up for Simple (formerly Bank Simple)

We here at Nerd Stalker often sign up for startup betas under non Nerd Stalker accounts so we can fairly evaluate how a particular company is going to treat the general consumer. Some time back I signed up for a banking startup which was then called "Bank Simple" now just called "Simple". Long story short I finally got my email invite which read as follows,

"Hi Java::JavaNull,

Awhile back on July 23, 2010 you signed up for an invite to try Simple, a new way to save and spend. We know you've been waiting to replace your bank, and today we're pleased to invite you to do just that! ... "

Note that my name is not Java, so I combed the Simple site for a contact (not easy to find fyi guys), I quickly emailed notifying them of the marketing mistake. What I got back was totally unexpected, welcome, funny and probably what will push me over the edge to try the service.

"Oops! We got your name wrong on your invitation! Here’s a special message from me to you:

Josh and the Team at Simple"

Its refreshing to see such a responsive company but even more refreshing to see a company that conveys a smart sense of humor and fun culture, these are the type of companies we think people will want to do business with.


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