3 New OS X Mavericks Video's to Help You Get Up & Running
Editor: Nerd Stalker is grateful to have a guest post from Caroline Phillips Rodin from Grovo.com. Grovo.com is a popular Internet training platform that sharpens your Internet skills. They have put together a great series of startup videos for OSX Mavericks. Check it out!
By: Caroline Phillips Rodin, Grovo.com
Apple surprised many of their fans at their fall conference
by announcing a new operating system that is completely free to download. The
new OS X Mavericks has over 200 new features to navigate.
At Grovo, an online
learning platform for Internet tools and mobile apps, we have gone through OS X
Mavericks and highlighted the 3 things you need to know to get started on OS X
Mavericks today.
1) Get Apple’s New Operating
OS X Mavericks is the newest version of Apple’s desktop
operating system, and it’s available to install for free. Before you begin
installation, there are a few things you need to know - like current OS systems,
free space, and software compatibility.
Here’s a quick overview to make sure you're ready:
2) Use Tags to Stay
Organized Across Your Mac
One of the best new features on OS X Mavericks is the ability
to tag a file or folder and then see all folders with the same tag. It’s the
latest and greatest way to simply locate a file or folder asap. From Work to
Important, and Apps to iCloud, tagging works everywhere across the Mac. You can tag and color-code documents,
folders, subfolders, and even in-apps. Here’s a quick overview on how to start
tagging on your Mac:
3) Share a Map or Directions
from Your Mac to Your iPhone or iPad
Have you ever looked up directions at home and then gotten
into the car and wished you still had them up in front of you? OS X Mavericks
now allows you to look up directions using Apple Maps and then, using iCloud,
share your preferred route directly to your phone or other iOS device. This
means that not only will you be able to share your preferred route and
directions between devices, you can also activate turn-by-turn navigation on
your phone based off of your earlier desktop search.
The new maps sharing feature uses options similar to the iOS
6 Maps that are supported by AirDrop. Here is a 60-second overview from Grovo
showing you the new Apple Maps:
Other great features from the new Apple maps include: new
pop-up information on map icons for local restaurants and bars, including Yelp
ratings and reviews; location data integrated into Mail, Contacts and Calendar;
and the amazing Hybrid viewing mode and 3D feature, which let you access iOS’s
Flyovers giving you 3D views of cities around the world.
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About the Author
Phillips Rodin is the SEO & Inbound Marketing Manager for Grovo.com. She has experience helping Fortune 500 financial and
fashion companies improve their online visibility and increase their natural
search traffic. Caroline graduated from Wellesley College cum laude in 2010
with a degree in sociology. She is an avid reader who spends her free time
hunting for NYC’s best chocolate chip cookie.