The Bristol Belt Bag Revolutionizing the #fannypack with modern #style #fashion and convenience
From the site,
"Through our 14 years of experience with mobile accessories, we knew there was a major disconnect from what big retailers were offering and the wants of real people everywhere. With customer feedback and frustrations of our own, we set out to develop a line of mobile and travel accessories where price, style, and function all aligned.

Our goal is to revolutionize the fanny pack with modern style and convenience. Our belt bag was created by a team of designers with experience working with some of the world's most high-end fashion brands.
We've taken the concept of a fanny pack and turned it into the most chic and functional fashion accessory. Our belt bags are unique because they were made with the key idea of functionality and eliminate every day pain points with it's 8 unique features."

Belt bag features:
A portable battery pack
Card slots
Magnetic snap closure
A privacy zipper pocket
Padded phone slot
Headphone cord access
Includes a gold chain to transition into a crossbody
3 Colors: Milk, Camel, Black
INSTAGRAM: @mobovida FACEBOOK: @mobovida
