Mix07 day 1 part 2 Las Vegas

Oh yeah forgot to mention in my previous post to check out the picture of the blue screen of death I got when walking into the Microsoft Keynote this morning, hilarious.
Pretty bummed at Microsoft they really blew it for developers at this conference as all of the developer track rooms are over flowing. Really poor planning on Microsoft which is really surprising. I had to defer 2 of the breakouts I wanted to attend, I checked out the "Sandbox" this morning which was probably the hidden gem of the event. At the sandbox they have tons of machines with virtual machines on them with labs of the various new technologies to try, it was pretty cool. Then sat through a cool track called "Developing Data Driven Applications Using the New Dynamic Data Controls in ASP.NET", problem is this stuff is still in the early phases and sort of sidtracks biz rules and the whole biz logic layer instead depending on future release of Linq. Tried to see the ajax patterns with asp.net track but it was overflowing so went to "Internet Sites with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007". It was interesting to see how this tool has progressed into a platform, they are now trying to pitch it as both a document and content management system. However it was evident once audience members started asking questions that this product is just not ready for prime time yet and insanely expensive. The food was decent and i'm lifting as many water bottles as I can back to the room as the Venetian robs you blind for em.

Ok off to the Rio for dinner.


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