Nerd Stalker Episode 1 Part 1 Triggit

Welcome to the first episode of what I'm calling Nerd Stalker, in this episode we are at The San Francisco New Tech meeting held at Mighty. We start the first interview with a really great guy/CEO of Triggit Zach Coelius. In the following posts we get 4 of the companies that night on tape. Sorry Mike (Seeqpod) you were pitching some VC or something when it was your turn, next time.

Widget demos that night (6/11/08) were:

Mike Muldoon, CTO
SeeqPod helps people find, discover, play, and enjoy "Playable Search" with an array of easy-to-use tools to make playlists, share, embed, and purchase results. From video to audio, slideshows, and Adobe Flash, SeeqPod accesses the vast multitude of rich media files and applications that exist online.

Mike Harkey, Director, Business Development
Clearspring offers a media platform that provides widget distribution, analytics, monetization and advertising solutions.

Gerardo Capiel, CEO
Gydget provides a social marketing platform that allows music groups, sports teams, non-profits and other organizations to reach their audiences on social networking and fan-based Web sites. Its core product, gydget, is a stand-alone, viral web application (widget) that can be created by anyone, for free, without needing to know complex design or programming languages.

Susan Coelius Keplinger, Co-Founder & COO
Triggit makes it quick and easy for web publishers to monetize their sites with advertising. Using a cross platform web application, publishers can now drag and drop ad units directly into their pages, optimize efficacy and track the results. Triggit takes the pain out of monetization.

Add to Any
Pat Diven II, Founder & CEO
Add to Any’s "Share/Save" and "Subscribe" widgets help your website visitors share, save and subscribe to your content using any service.

Daniel Ha, Co-Founder
Disqus is an embeddable blog commenting system that makes your comments more interactive for readers and easier to manage for you - all while connecting your community with other blogs.

Carnet Williams, Founder & CEO
Sprout is the quick and easy way for anyone to build, publish, and manage widgets, mini-sites, mashups, banners and more. Any size, any number of pages. Include video, audio, images and newsfeeds and choose from dozens of pre-built components and web services.


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