
Showing posts from March, 2011

Joe Belfiori of Win Phone 7 talks lessons learned and new features.

Joe Belfiori of Windows Phone 7 talks lessons learned on the update issues and hints on Mango new features and more to be announced at MIX11 in Las Vegas next month.

How Android Has Started To Lose

Short audio recap of tonight's SF New Tech startup demos.

Apples secret weapon is the iPad 1 not the iPad 2

All the media is abuzz over the iPad 2 release today, both Apple lovers and haters are justifying or dismissing it's impact in the tech world. Among all this chatter a majority of the media seem be missing a huge point, only focusing on iPad 2 sales, the competition should be very and I mean very worried about iPad 1 sales, yes I said iPad 1 sales. You are now going to see a slew of iPad 1's on Craigslist and eBay and this is gold for Apple and more importantly to them iOS. Let's think about this for a second, consumers will see the base $499 iPad 2 price and many of them will turn and look at the secondary market and will find iPad 1's for even less. The iPad 1 is a proven device and for those who don't really need cameras in it, suddenly the iPad 1 becomes a very compelling and "affordable" choice.

How to web conference in 3d for free

Nerd Stalker interview with Jack Mardack , VP of Marketing for Mingleverse . A MingleRoom is a personal virtual space where you and up to 50 friends can talk live and share all kinds of media. Connect through Facebook to invite your friends, send email invitations, or just tweet your personal room link to get people in your Room. A MingleRoom has a screen where you can show YouTube videos, your Facebook photos, documents, your webcam, or broadcast your desktop. It feels a bit like Skype meets Second Life, we must admit it's an interesting user experience, give it a try and let us know what you think.

LetterMpress for iPad on Kickstarter

Experience the Art and Craft of Letterpress Printing on your iPad LetterMpress™ will be a virtual letterpress environment—released first on the iPad—that will allow anyone to create authentic-looking letterpress designs and prints. The design process is the same as the letterpress process—you place and arrange type and cuts on a press bed, lock the type, ink the type, and print. You will be able to create unlimited designs, with multiple colors, using authentic vintage wood type and art cuts. And you can print your design directly from LetterMpress or save it as an image for import it into other applications.

10 Principles of Successful Web Apps Fred Wilson