MyDream Interactive to Introduce First-Ever #Blockchain Mining Video #Game at GDC 2018

Palo Alto, March 9, 2018 - MyDream Interactive, a pioneering development studio in virtual reality and gaming technology, is thrilled to announce today that its new blockchain-based 3D mining video game, entitled AllMine, will debut with a playable expo floor demo at the 2018 Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco at The Moscone Center, North Hall Booth # PL4014. AllMine is a free-to-play puzzle game, initially developed for PC, with an in-game economy based on a new cryptocurrency called Jewelz. Players can earn Jewelz in two ways: by progressing through the game and by using the JewelzMiner client on their device.

AllMine features a series of mining-themed tile-matching games used to satisfy the cute, whimsical creatures known as Adoraboos, who live in a funny and edgy world of discovery. Players can discover new Utopias and Adoraboos, unlock aesthetic improvements and customizations, and advance their creatures and lands to higher levels. Players are encouraged to spend Jewelz in-game to improve and personalize their experience.

The team at MyDream Interactive is composed of seasoned veterans from the cryptocurrency and video game industries. The Jewelz cryptocurrency is powered by a patent-pending Serial Proof of Work algorithm that makes cryptocurrency mining a lot more energy efficient than Bitcoin mining and as easy to start as playing a video game. AllMine runs alongside the lightweight JewelzMiner client, which can be run in the background on any standard desktop or laptop computer. With Jewelz and AllMine, users can mine cryptocurrency without their hardware overheating or producing excessive noise.

"We decided to create Jewelz to enable anyone, regardless of their access to computation power, to participate in cryptocurrency mining. With the goal of democratizing cryptocurrency mining, we are building a stable foundation for the Jewelz cryptocurrency through gamification. Today we are introducing AllMine, a blockchain-based puzzle game, which will be the first stepping stone of the Jewelz mining application ecosystem. As the Jewelz platform grows, we will continue to release more games as well as educational applications to teach children basic economics, mathematics, and cryptography principles,” says Allison Huynh, CEO and founder of MyDream Interactive.


Concrete Lady said…
I can't wait to try virtual reality video games! This one does look like fun! : )
Anonymous said…
Imagine if this same technology was applied to already hugely popular games like Minecraft!! My daughter would lose her mind! LOL!! Pretty cool

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