Startup Blog Insights - 4 Agile Thinking Skills for Entrepreneurs

This month we explore agile thinking as it pertains to startups and entrepreneurs. We catch up with Taffy Williams of Startup Blog and for his insights on his article on "4 Agile Thinking Skills for Entrepreneurs." Taffy covers the skills Keep up the pressure, Adjust plans as needed, Try something different and Get feedback. Give it a watch!

Agile Thinking is for Entrepreneurs too!

"People respond if they keep the pressure up and, people always respond by looking around and look for opportunities that come up"

"You can lay out a fantastic business plan, if you not focused on things around you, you are going to miss something - no plan is perfect from day have to adjust..."

"It's all part of trying something different, and finding the plans that you originally set out that was't as easy as it might have been... it really takes some thinking and looking to put something together because life is like a puzzle, you are missing some of the pieces"

"(Feedback) is extremely go and ask others about how they solved problems is capitalize on other's lessons"


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