Recap of 1/24 SF New Tech Startup Night #sfnt

Listen to the Nerd Stalker Recap of the 1/23/13 event via USTREAM

Tony Gauda, CEO
With Bitcasa, users can easily backup and consolidate all of their files and media into one Infinite Drive. The Bitcasa Infinite Drive acts like an external drive that users are already familiar with, except that it never runs out of space and is accessible from anywhere and any device. @Bitcasa
Danielle Morrill, CEO
Referly makes it easy for anyone to recommend products they love, and when those recommendations result in a sale they get paid. Earned money for sharing your expertise online has never been easier.   @referly
David Rush, CEOEvzdrop is a location-based interest network that allows people to stay connected to what’s happening at places in real time. The free mobile app and Web platform allow users to “eavesdrop” to get an inside look at any place they’re interested in through the people who are present and posting about what’s going on at any given moment. @Evzdrop
Simon Maynard, Co-founder & CTOBugsnag is the best way to find and fix crashes in your web  and mobile apps. Crashes always happen, even in the best developer’s code. Bugsnag’s plugins automatically detect errors in your code  and notify you by email, sms, in your company chat room or  even create a ticket in your issues system. @bugsnag
    Playscreen LLCPlayScreen, LLC
William Volk, CCO Word Carnivale is a new iOS social game that pits you against your friends in Best-of-Three contests to find the most high scoring words–with the added dimension of balloon letters that pop off the screen as you find words.   Word Carnivale isn’t about trying to find obscure words–it’s all about about speed and the strategy of getting new letters to form new combinations.    @PlayScreen

Dave Mathews:  

Discover your world

The NewAer platform enables any smartphone to automate aspects of your digital life from whom or what is detected in it's physical space.
ToothTag, our showcase app, demos the power of this platform, and we hope that you will build your own plug-ins or apps on the ProxPlatform framework.

Create Useful Interactions

Control what happens as devices come into contact with your smartphone. The opportunities are endless:
  • Automatically drop a map pin when you park your car
  • Forward calls to your VoIP software, office or mobile phone based on your location
  • Be alerted when someone is too close or far away from you without the need to pair devices

Soo MetaSoo Meta
Tamas Szakal, CEO

Soo Meta empowers bloggers & journalists to turn their stories into short movies in minutes. We integrate video, pictures, sound and text into a single format that is playable on every connected device. The content being used remains at the original location, we stream each piece of information when viewers hit the play button. The sources are automatically referenced and displayed so our stories are full of links back to the original context.@soometa


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