Cue Apologizes for activating in Google Calendar

Looks like the team at Cue accidentally released an accidental non opt in feature read the email to users below,

"Hi -

In case you're not quite sure who this email is from, here's the one-liner: Cue is a service you're signed up for that helps you get the most out of your day by giving you the information you'll need (phone number, location, email, file) throughout your day. We were formerly called "Greplin".

We're experimenting with a feature that would allow you to experience Cue inside Google Calendar, so that you'd always have the information you need at your fingertips, no matter what service you're using.

During testing, we accidentally activated this feature on your calendar. The only repercussion of this is that you may have seen an additional calendar called "Cue: event notes" in Google Calendar. This calendar has since been removed.

We fully intend to make this feature opt-in, and we're very sorry we mistakenly activated this feature for you. Nothing is more important to us than your privacy, and we're going to work hard to make sure we don't repeat this mistake again. If you feel uncomfortable maintaining your account, you can always remove it at

(On the off-chance you would actually be interesting in trying something like this, please reply to this email and let me know)

Thank you!

- Daniel Gross



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