Kate Edwards' Game Industry Takeaways from GDC
Interesting times in the gaming industry. The industry is amidst a transition in many areas at once. Cloud vs. local, mobile vs. console, gaming studios vs. indie developers are some of the major transitions. At one of the Game Developers Conference's after parties, we caught up with Kate Edwards, Executive Director of the International Game Developers Association on her insights to these industry and gaming community transitions. Check out her thoughts!
It's all about that Platform
Some quick takeaways from Kate's interview
"we headed into 2015 GDC, not knowing where the industry is headed, not knowing what the climate will be"
"where we are going in terms of platform is interesting, and that's where there is a lot uncertainty in the industry - some much excitement in the mobile space and cloud computing space"
"...what is really exciting about that (growth in indie developers) ... we are seeing such a stronger entrepreneurial spirit coming out of almost everyone"