Vivaldi - The Next Generation of Web Browser

It was our tremendous honor to interview Vivaldi browser creator, legend, and entrepreneur Jon von Tetzchner. You might know of Jon as the creator of the Opera browser and all around tech hero O.G.

Vivaldi is an awesome new web browser that is tremendously customizable, a delight to use, and we highly recommend you try it out.

From the founder, "A Browser for Our Friends

In 1994, two programmers started working on a web browser. The idea was to make a really fast browser, capable of running on limited hardware, keeping in mind that users are individuals with their own requirements and wishes. Opera was born.

Our little piece of software gained traction, our group grew, and we formed a community. We stayed close to our users and our roots. We kept improving our software based on our user feedback, as well as our own ideas on how to make a great browser. We innovated and strove for excellence.

Fast forward to 2015. The browser we once loved has changed its direction. Sadly, it is no longer serving its community of users and contributors — who helped build the browser in the first place.

So we came to a natural conclusion: we must make a new browser. A browser for ourselves and for our friends. A browser that is fast, but also a browser that is rich in functionality, highly flexible and puts the user first. A browser that is made for you.

And so, Vivaldi is born.



Unknown said…
Fight the good fight

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