Book About Family Business Sustainability Available Free This Week

Transition, #1 International Bestselling Book Free To Download This Week

Great read for family businesses and it is free this week. Written from decades of research and application by wealth transition and family business expert from Australia, David Werdiger, ‘Transition’ reaches out to family businesses torn by inner conflict, confusion and the raw possibility that their mini empire will be all but dead in another generation’s time. Using wisdom from his own boundless success and work as a consultant to thousands of family businesses, Werdiger offers entrepreneurs a bold opportunity to prepare for the greatest wealth transfer in history, by redefining how they look at and operate their business. From learning how to better communicate with the many generations who have input in their family business, to resolving conflict, re-establishing trust and calculating how much wealth should be left behind for future generations – this compelling volume is the only one of its kind on the market.

 The statistics are harsh; only 40% of family businesses will survive into their second generation, and 90% will be dead in the water by the time they reach their third. The truth is that the family business suffers from dynamics and idiosyncrasies not experienced anywhere else in the business world.

The book is currently free and available for download on Amazon for 5 days only (until 7/22/17). Get your copy here

Here’s what some the reviewers have said:

"A concise yet thorough guide for all stakeholders in a family business who care to see it survive transition and thrive in its aftermath. The author successfully incorporates his personal experiences, vast knowledge, and gift for clear explanation of complex issues, delivering a highly readable and easily accessible advice while emphasizing that a family business is, indeed, both a family and a business. This is a thorough and exemplary book that charts new grounds and provides a wealth of solid resources and wise advice. Highly recommended!" – Avraham Azrieli

The Columbia Review
“Helps redefine how people look at the family business model, giving ways to resolve potential conflicts, establish trust, and most importantly, knowing when to be hands off. Almost feels like a one on one session with a mentor who has been in the trenches and has come out on the other side. A great read for any entrepreneur looking to take their business to the next level of sustainability” – Readers' Favorite

About the Author:

David Werdiger is a #1 International Bestselling author, and the Founder and Chairman of Billing Bureau, one of the leading Australian Telecommunications Recurring Billing Software companies. He has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, The Wall St. Journal, USA Today and most recently he presented an ELI Talk titled “How to ‘Have’ Jewish Grandchildren.” As an in-demand speaker, David travels the world sharing his ideas about business strategies, philosophies on life, Jewish culture, and philanthropy.

David has completed a Masters of Entrepreneurship and used his knowledge to expand several successful businesses in the Information Technology and Telecommunications industries. He currently mentors and advises family businesses, CEOs, and top-level entrepreneurs on how to successfully systemize their businesses so that they can increase revenue, scale, and even exit their business. David lives in Melbourne, Australia with his wife and five children.

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