Going Limitless with the new Go Flow by Foc.us Review #tdcs

Learn Faster
with foc.us Go Flow.
An easy to use tDCS brain stimulator
for people who want to accelerate their learning.
Countdown Timed Sessions
Put away that alarm clock. Simply set the session length you want and Go Flow will ease up the current when you start and ramp down the current when the time is s up.
No more guessing or leaving session length to chance.
The unit starts at $14.99.
Connect 9v Battery
Simply attach the foc.us Go Flow to a 9v battery to get started
Accurate Current Delivery
Microprocessor controlled current with voltage step-up circuit.
Orange indicator gauge to show you the actual current during sessions.
Increase or decrease during a session for your own personal comfort.
The current you set, is the current you get.
Change stimulation settings
Push up to increase the current or duration, and push down to decrease the current or duration. Easy.
Maximum Current 2.0mA