Indie Music Tribe Head Makes Some New Noise

Tribe of Noise Head Noise Maker Updates us on his Indie Music Tribe

Business model evolution is constant and a must. After our initial interview with Hessel Van Oorshot last year, we learned that there is some new noise coming from the Tribe of Noise. If you still don't know the Tribe of Noise, it is a web service allowing indie musicians and media makers to collaborate. Hessel talks about new Tribe of Noise Pro features coming in the next few months which will allow media creatives to find the right music for their project with a new way to search. Partnered with IBM Watson, filters are out the door for for media music search using feelings like Energy Level and Emotions - makes sense to us. Hessel also talks about the new streaming music for restaurants where services like Spotify, Pandora, Deezer don't offer multiple country commercial licenses so you can't just stream them at your business place (wink-wink). Finally, Hessel talks about their relationship with SONOS. Check it out and check out Tribe of Noise.

"This is the first music website to enlist the the IBM Watson team to improve search ability."

"Spotify does not have a license to broadcast to businesses...our 27,000 plus artists make music that is very suitable for any restaurants"

"We built some applications in SONOS"


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