Bike To Work Week Special - Chat with the Zackees Crew

The Guys Who Brought You the "Turn Signal Gloves" Give An Update

We thought it would be appropriate to open Bike To Work Week with an update from the Zackee's crew (Zach Vorhies, Murat Ozkan and Adonis Gaitatzis) who brought you the often talked about Turn Signal Gloves. A lot has happened since the Kickstarter launch of the Turn Signal Gloves in 2013 - Casting for Shark Tank, Turn Signal Gloves V3 and now America's Greatest Makers. Zach shares his experience on American Greatest Makers (as much as he is allowed to). Watch Zach as he demos the new wearable mask (kinda a modern cross between Ultraman and Jason Voorhie's(no remote relation) Halloween Hockey mask).

“Presenting my creations to the judges was absolutely terrifying. I think Shark Tank would have been easier.” - Zach Vorhies , Digital Trends Interview

"First you make it, then you master it...if you try to jump start to are going to fail"

Zach Runs into a bit of problem before his America's Greatest Makers Taping

Also check out "Calling All America's Greatest Makers"


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