Conducttr Shapes the World of Engagement and Storytelling

Transmedia seems to be a hot topic here in SF. We caught up with Robert Pratten, co-founder of Transmedia Storytelling Ltd. in a London cafe in between meetings. Robert talks about their product -- Conducttr. Conducttr allows brands and branding agencies to do unique engagement through transmedia storytelling. Robert discusses his love for film and his passion for transmedia storytelling.

"Transmedia storytelling is telling a story across multilple platforms...each platform must be additive"

"Another example of transmedia storytelling is Alternative Reality Game...where the audience is more participatory...collaborate with each other to unlock content"

"Problem these days audiences are much more demanding and much more vocal...and they spend time across multiple platforms...they are harder to reach...transmedia gives marketers the way to reach these people"

Robert talks about his film / music background in his youth and his eventual career as an engineer, film director and marketeer. Conducttr provides a path to create long lasting engagement experiences for marketers to connect to their audiences. For a given campaign, one can connect to the "story" through different device platforms and the platform can reward (gaming) audiences to encourage engagement.

SocialGreg's Uptake

We met Robert at the Transbay festival and we were fascinated with the potential of the platform for marketers especially for engaging launch campaigns. If you don't know what Transmedia storytelling is, now is the time to find out. Stories are not device specific or platform specific anymore, they are truly experiential with the devices as the conduit to your experience. We hope to try this out on some event or campaign and you should too. Below is the Slide Share / Video for more information.


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