Zackees Store - Now Open for Business

Good news for Zackees fans and supporters. Zackees has opened a direct store this week to order their Zackees Turn Signal Gloves in time for the holidays. We caught up with Zach Vorhies, founder of Zackees, at 360Fashion Network's event at Dolby Labs this week.

Zachees is an example of the emerging fashion tech brands that has agile startup thinking. Zach adds "One of the most important things we do here at Zackees is listen to user feedback. The community that has built up around Zackees is absolutely amazing. We've been using this community to help guide our product development through surveys. One of the things that we learned was that customers wanted above all, brightness in their Turn Signal Glove. So we went out and researched LED technology and found out we could increase the brightness by about 8 times by switching to a different LED alloy, yet use the same amount of energy to power it. This means that the glove that we delivered to the customer was much better than the glove that we advertised."

During this journey Zach reflected on other learnings from their fan base, "Another surprising trend was how much people really like seeing the electronics through the transparent window on the glove. The majority of designers have told us to lose the transparent window and hide the electronics, but the user's preferred the transparent window by a factor of 2-1! What we've learned is that the electronics themselves can be a fashion statement." That's true listening to the "voice of the customer."

Here is an except of the panel discussion where Zach talks about Zackees vision in modern Fashion.

Zach and team learned a lot about sourcing on this journey. Zach did admit they were challenged by the production process but they are now ready to go. They shared a private video on how their gloves were hand machine sewn. Just awesome.

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