Leveraging the Pinterest Power

Our SocialGreg sits down with Authors Jason Miles and Karen Lacey on their recently released book called "Pinterest Power". This is a quick-start guide to increase the reach of your products and brand using Pinterest - the hottest, fastest-growing social media site. Jason and Karen explains the motivation behind the book and talks some backstories about the book.
Interesting pair of authors who came together to create a book on advice on how to use the pinboard to increase sales and brand. Karen Lacey, who is now a full-time author, has had an interesting career from finance to wildlife photography. Jason Miles, a VP of advancement at Northwest University, really cut his teeth on Pinterest by helping his wife promote her small business - Liberty Jane Clothing.

"Most facinating part to us of Pinterest is the volume of referral traffic" - Jason Miles

"A lot of Business books and Marketing books is that they are theoretical...but there is a missing link between the theoretical and the practical ... and that is where the Three P's come in" - Karen Lacey

What Jason and Karen has done with this book is to create a step-by-step guide for Pinterest newbies and users with some very detailed examples by using the three P's - Principle, Practice and Profit. The principle is what the premise you need to grasp. The practice is showing you step-by-step how to execute the principle. The profit is the connection of the execution of the practice and how it has the potential to generate more customers and thus more sales. The books starts with the basics of Pinterest by showing the basic components of Pinterest. The book shows 3 great examples (they call it Supermodels) to show how brands have used Pinterest to transform their business.

SocialGreg's Uptake

I like the practical advice that Karen and Jason gives in the book. The stories strengthen the lessons that each section teaches from marketing strategies, selling strategies to monitization strategies. I have always felt that Pinterest was more B2C but after reading the book, other types of business can take advantage of Pinterest even if they do not have products. Another interesting part of the book is how the Pinterest team added some anecdotes of usage to strengthen the point of the chapter. The book is a good and easy read.  The authors support the book with more goodies on their web site www.pinterestpower.com. If you have products to sell and you can make them interestingly visual, Pinterest seems a must. I think if you don't, pick up their book anyway to assess if you can take advantage of Pinterest. A lot of great information there to make a decision to move to Pinterest.

The book is available through Mc-Graw-Hill Professional at mhprofessional.com, Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble, and soon to come on iBooks and Nook.


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